App is extremely slow

I too have this problem. See post in github issue here: Companion app extremely slow on Iphone · Issue #20728 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

I have reset the app (v. 2024.5.1), deleted the server and re-added in the app and updated HA to 2024.6.3 and the problems persists. It takes more than 1 minute to load the dashboard in the iOS app (iphoneX iOS v. 16.7.8) whereas in the 2023.12 version of the app it was very fast (~1-2 secs) on the same device.

See logfile here: Home Assistant.txt log file relevant time window while iOS app hanging · GitHub

Only thing I see in the above log is a bunch of the following message repeating multiple times a second:
[hakit-work-queue] [Environment.swift:71] init() > WebSocket: Received: event: for HARequestIdentifier(rawValue: 31)

Any ideas on what to troubleshoot or where to look next?? Please.

Cross-posting from github issue to here

FYI, I managed to get some significant improvement by starting over with my lovelace dashboards. I have not isolated which card was causing the problem, but load times improved drastically. If you are at a loss for what to try, this is my suggestion.

I went into the “raw configuration editor” copied everything to notepad and starting adding items back in.

It seemed that culprit was one of custom:weather-chart-card custom:mini-graph-card custom:apexcharts-card or my file sensor.videos:

      - type: custom:gallery-card
          - sensor.videos


Just lumping in on this thread not with anything useful other than to say that I too am having this problem, any action takes about 3-4 seconds to complete!

i’m also having this issue on ios only. works fine on pc. i’m now on ios 18.1 dev beta, but i started having the issue probably back in early july – when i was still on ios 17 (i think 17.5).

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I have had the same issue in the companion app on iPad and iPhone.

For me, browser mod had gone bananas and registered over 1000 clients with over 16000 entities. I uninstalled, and installed again. All entities gone and I configured to not auto register clients. Then it works smooth in IOS for me.

I keep my db small and records just a few entities for 5 day, 24 Gb

Image of the weird registered clients and the settings I use know.

I have (had) the same problem. iOS 16.7.10 on iPhone X. I worked backwards and found out that the problem started after the Core 2024.9.0 update. I’ve just restored to the previous update and the iOS companion app is working smoothly as before. Companion app is the latest version. So I guess that teh problem is more related to the core update in relation to the iOS companion app. On my laptop everything was working fine, even after the 2024.9.0 core update.