AppDaemon broken after upgrade to HASS 0.83.1


After upgrading to 0.83.1 (running in Docker; I upgraded from 0.82.1), AppDaemon is really acting up. I get loads of:

WARNING AppDaemon: meta_tracker: Entity device_tracker.meta_walden not found in AppDaemon
WARNING AppDaemon: meta_tracker: Entity device_tracker.aephir_ping not found in AppDaemon
WARNING AppDaemon: entrance_motion_light: Entity light.stairway not found in AppDaemon

The same repeats with various apps/entities combinations.

All my device_tracker.meta_XXX (created by an AppDaemon script) have completely disappeared from HASS, and my app can no longer create them. But other of the entities that are “not found in AppDaemon” do exist in HASS (confirmed after upgrade that they still exist).

Also, my HADashboard tiles all show entity not found for all entities except a few device_trackers (one using google maps location sharing, some using Life360 component).

I saw that in the appdaemon.log, there was a warning:

2018-11-30 12:21:56.997924 INFO AppDaemon: HASS: Connected to Home Assistant 0.83.1
2018-11-30 12:21:57.015418 INFO AppDaemon: Reading config
2018-11-30 12:21:57.021335 WARNING AppDaemon: Error loading configuration
2018-11-30 12:21:57.021454 WARNING AppDaemon: parser says
2018-11-30 12:21:57.021565 WARNING AppDaemon:   in "<unicode string>", line 4, column 10:
    entity: {{entity}}
2018-11-30 12:21:57.021639 WARNING AppDaemon: found unhashable key while constructing a mapping

I don’t think this is the same as “Appdaemon 3.0.2 is error when homeassistant upgrade to 0.83.0”.

My error log doesn’t show anything new/unexpected.

I’m using all in Docker, AppDaemon v. 3.0.2

you have
self.set_state(“device_tracker.something”,state=something) in your apps and that isnt working anymore?
HA probably changed something in the way device_trackers are created.

creating other things then sensors was always a kind of hacky.
im not sure if thats easy to fix.

the warning shows that AD cant get some entities. i think that part wil be fixable from the HA side (unless they have an intentional breaking change)

Actually, I just downgraded to 0.82.1, and ran. But I forgot to uncomment that part, and it still created the device_tracker.meta_XXX, and it still created them (same approach, I guess, but using the lines at the very end).

This was modified from one of @arsaboo’s scripts, perhaps he has any insights? Any issues with your version after 0.83 upgrade?

OK, I’ll probably wait a bit before upgrading again.

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I was told on Discord that this was likely because legacy api auth is broken.
Not sure what to do. I guess AppDaemon would need to support the new auth system to be able to upgrade HASS??

I upgraded to 83.1 and had a similar issue. so make sure your appdaemon.yaml ha plugin uses token authentication instead of ha_key

and you’ll need to restart hass after you create the token.

@juan11perez is right if you have appdaemon 3.02 then you should use token and not api password.
there should even be a line in the logs telling so.

Oops, I guess I should stick with the “official” AppDAemon docs, and not the home assistant docs for AppDaemon :slight_smile: