Appdaemon datetime

The following snippet of code is driving me nutz. More to the point, the datatime functions of appdaemon are driving me nutz.
Run_every says it needs a datetime object. I’m trying to use the appdaemon datetime functionality to support timetravel if I ever have a reason to use it. I’ve tried it with datetime imported, with datetime and time imported, and with neither of them imported. Explain the magic please.

self.log("about to set time")
self.log("event scheduled")
#self.log("back from check battery state")

  def timer_handler(self,**kwargs):

Log looks like this

2017-05-10 14:54:04.279845 INFO Loading Object battery_control using class battery_control from module battery_control
2017-05-10 14:54:04.286075 INFO battery_control: initialize - (7) battery_control App
2017-05-10 14:54:04.291926 INFO battery_control: initialize - (17) about to set time
2017-05-10 14:54:04.297816 INFO battery_control: initialize - (19) time=2017-05-10 14:54:05
2017-05-10 14:54:04.304055 INFO battery_control: initialize - (21) event scheduled
2017-05-10 14:54:04.314077 WARNING Logged an error to /home/homeassistant/appdaemon/appdaemon.err

Error log looks like this

2017-05-10 15:00:05.168395 WARNING ------------------------------------------------------------
2017-05-10 15:03:05.167695 WARNING ------------------------------------------------------------
2017-05-10 15:03:05.168551 WARNING Unexpected error in worker for App battery_control:
2017-05-10 15:03:05.169254 WARNING Worker Ags: {'id': UUID('47bb79e0-d7e1-461d-9aec-b842c1b062cd'), 'kwargs': {'interval': 180}, 'function': <bound method battery_control.timer_handler of <battery_control.battery_control object at 0x706ab770>>, 'name': 'battery_control', 'type': 'timer'}
2017-05-10 15:03:05.169835 WARNING ------------------------------------------------------------
2017-05-10 15:03:05.170644 WARNING Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/appdaemon/", line 602, in worker
TypeError: timer_handler() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

2017-05-10 15:03:05.171240 WARNING ------------------------------------------------------------


hmm, according to the docs should an int work.
but this should be your problem:

def timer_handler(self,**kwargs):

should be

def timer_handler(self,kwargs):

Yes, this is most likely the problem.

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Yes that was it. Sometimes you need it “**” sometimes you don’t.

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