New to AppDaemon. I successfully installed it in docker. With public FQDN of Hass that is.
I can’t get it to work with the internal hostname and setting verify_cert to false, no clue what I’m doing wrong there. I would still prefer the internal host though.
However, my main question is about the app_dir.
In the AD dashboard I can see the Hello_World in the apps tab.
I also installed ControllerX via HACS, but that isn’t showing up there. Should it show up in the AppDaemon dashboard for it to work?
HACS is installing this in homeassistant/config/appdaemon/apps
While AppDaemon is using appdaemon/conf/apps
Should I point the app_dir option the the folder used by HACS? Is there a way to keep using both folders?
You can move your appdeamon config folder to homeassistant/config/appdaemon/ and then change the volume mapping in the docker file. Are you also running HA in docker?
Regarding the internal hostname issue, please post your appdaemon.yaml file so we can have a look. Mask out any secrets.