AppDaemon - Keeps Exiting

I am trying to get AppDaemon working again

I am running HA 0.75.3 and AppDaemon 3.0.1

Here is my logfile:

2018-08-17 18:17:22.428011 INFO AppDaemon Version 3.0.1 starting
2018-08-17 18:17:22.428236 INFO Configuration read from: /conf/appdaemon.yaml
2018-08-17 18:17:22.429409 INFO AppDaemon: Starting Apps
2018-08-17 18:17:22.430822 INFO AppDaemon: Loading Plugin HASS using class HassPlugin from module hassplugin
2018-08-17 18:17:22.436484 INFO AppDaemon: HASS: HASS Plugin Initializing
2018-08-17 18:17:22.436692 INFO AppDaemon: HASS: HASS Plugin initialization complete
2018-08-17 18:17:22.436837 INFO Dashboards are disabled
2018-08-17 18:17:22.436925 INFO API is disabled
2018-08-17 18:17:27.513918 INFO AppDaemon: HASS: Connected to Home Assistant 0.75.3
2018-08-17 18:17:32.573706 INFO AppDaemon: HASS: Disconnecting from Home Assistant
2018-08-17 18:17:32.573945 INFO AppDeamon Exited

Here is my errorfile:

2018-08-17 18:17:29.516484 ERROR AppDaemon: Required attribute not set or obtainable from any plugin: latitude
2018-08-17 18:17:29.516754 ERROR AppDaemon: AppDaemon is terminating
2018-08-17 18:17:29.518609 ERROR AppDaemon: Required attribute not set or obtainable from any plugin: longitude
2018-08-17 18:17:29.518735 ERROR AppDaemon: AppDaemon is terminating
2018-08-17 18:17:29.518847 ERROR AppDaemon: Required attribute not set or obtainable from any plugin: elevation
2018-08-17 18:17:29.518953 ERROR AppDaemon: AppDaemon is terminating
2018-08-17 18:17:29.519047 ERROR AppDaemon: Required attribute not set or obtainable from any plugin: time_zone
2018-08-17 18:17:29.519155 ERROR AppDaemon: AppDaemon is terminating

Here is my AppDaemon.yaml file:

  logfile: /conf/log/logfile.log
  errorfile: /conf/log/errorfile.log
  diagfile: /conf/log/diagnostic.log
  threads: 10
  app_dir: /conf/apps
      type: hass
      ha_key: **************

I am running this from the unraid docker for both Home Assistant and AppDaemon.

if you use https for the ha url you need certifates.
if you can reach your ha with a local IP address that would be the advised way.
the way you are setting things up now makes that your automations stop working as soon as you have a problem somewhere with internet or your DNS server.

and the errors are there because AD cant get the connection running, so it cant retrieve the vars from HA.
you could also set latitude, longtitude, elevation end time_zone in appdaemon.yaml