Appdaemon on hassio, unable to connect

Nwebie running hassio with Duckdns/Let´s encrypt
Object: run HADashboard.
Show-stopper: “Unable to connect to Home Assistant”

I´ve installed Appdaemon and set paramtres in Options:


ha_url: https:/
ha_key: mypass
ssl_certificate: ‘/ssl/fullchain.pem’
ssl_key: ‘/ssl/privkey.pem’
cert_verify: False
logfile: STDOUT
errorfile: STDERR
threads: 10
app_dir: /config/hadaemon/apps
ha_key: mypass
ssl_certificate: ‘/ssl/fullchain.pem’
ssl_key: ‘/ssl/privkey.pem’
dash_dir: /config/hadaemon/dashboards

The log outputs: WARNING Unable to connect to Home Assistant, retrying in 5 seconds

Been trying to paste diferent configurations w/no luck.

Any suggestions?

you have a lot to much.

ha_url: https:/
ha_key: mypass
ssl_certificate: '/ssl/fullchain.pem’
ssl_key: '/ssl/privkey.pem’
cert_verify: False
logfile: STDOUT
errorfile: STDERR
threads: 10
app_dir: /config/hadaemon/apps
ha_key: mypass
ssl_certificate: '/ssl/fullchain.pem’
ssl_key: '/ssl/privkey.pem’

the bold parts can be deleted.


Deleted the bold parts. Result:
logfile: STDOUT
errorfile: STDERR
threads: 10
app_dir: /config/hadaemon/apps
ha_key: xx
dash_dir: /config/hadaemon/dashboards

Did a restart and a reboot,

still same rspons:
017-11-30 22:24:27.543925 INFO AppDaemon Version 2.1.12 starting
2017-11-30 22:24:27.545083 INFO Configuration read from: /config/appdaemon/appdaemon.yaml
2017-11-30 22:24:27.593417 WARNING Unable to connect to Home Assistant, retrying in 5 seconds

can you connect to HA with that same url and key in a browser?

Can connect with the ha_url:
not with the dash_url (local lan):

Thanks for assisting!

the dash url isnt in use untill appdaemon is connected to HA, so thats logical that you cant reach that.

but if you can reach HA with the ha_url and have given the password you have set in HA as ha_key, appdaemon should be able to reach HA.

there where a lot of people with problems with appdaemon and hassio.
i suggest you search the forum for hassio appdaemon.

im sorry but i dont use hassio and beyond this i have no clue why it wouldnt work.

Bummer. Thanks for helping.
I`ve noticed alot of folks sutruggeling with the hassio/duckdns/appdaemon combo.
anyone actually got this up&running?

i know that there are people using HA with AD with duckdns for HA.
I also advice everytime to find a way to place both HA and AD behind nginx with ssl.
because the way you are setting up now is asking for trouble.
the moment you have a problem with the internet in any way, your AD will stop working.

but dont ask me how to set that up with hassio.

Thanks. So,in short: Whipe everything and do an install on Rasbian or similar to get a pad dash through appdaemon?

it might also be possible with hassio, but i cant tell you how and if.

for me using a setup like rasbian (or in my case just plain noobs) was not a bad choice, and i get the feeling that it gives a lot more possibility to tinker around (which i like)

but i dont know what would be a wise choice for you.

Might be it. Thanks for assisting.

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Would deactivating the Let´s Encrypt/SSL make any difference?

if you deactivate encrypting in HA, you should be able to connect to HA locally (http://ip:port)
and then encrypting should be enabled in NGINX.

Can you tell me how you set this up? I’m using hassbian

NGINX is easy to install just

sudo apt-get install nginx.

but you can use any other kind of proxyserver. (in hassio they also use caddy, so thats also an option)

there are lots of tutorials for the best way to setup NGINX. and on this forum there are also tutorials how to setup NGINX for home assistant.
I am probably not using the best way, but it works :wink:
so if you go with nginx and want my configuration i am happy to give it to you.