Appdaemon yaml config nesting

I’ve converted everything over to a .yaml config now. The update process was painless. Thank you very much.

Now my question:
In the past, against several people’s advice, I have used dictionaries in my cfg file to pass information into my apps. Now that we are under Yaml, can I nest that information like below or something?

Current config in yaml file

  class: presence_control
  module: presence_control
  tracker_list: '{"input_boolean.everyone_home":[1+2+4+8],
  trackers: '[("device_tracker.xxxxx_xxxxx",1),

  class: presence_control
  module: presence_control
    - entity: input_boolean.everyone_home
        bits: 15
    - entity: input_boolean.someone_home
        bits: range(1,16)
    - entity: input_bolean.noone_home
        bits: 0
    - entity: input_boolean.masterishome
        bits: range(4,16)

if so, how do we read it now?

Yes, this is exactly the point and a huge reason for moving to YAML. When you specify a parameter like tracker_list you will end up with self.args["tracker_list"] being a python list with all of your entries in, if you use the correct YAML syntax - it couldn’t be easier :slight_smile:

You do need to pay some attention to yaml syntax though. A list would be like this:

    - entry 1
    - entry 2
    - entry 3

A dictionary would be:

    entry1: fred
    entry2: jim

etc. You can also nest lists in dicts and the other way around for truly insane parameter structures :wink:

you mean a structure like this…

  targets: '{"light.master_light_level":{"triggers":{"light.master_light_level":{"type":"light","bit":32,"onValue":"on"},

Each number is a binary mask. The dictionary structure is a pain in the back side but the code is simplicity itself.

Yes, that isn’t YAML but could be represented as YAML - that’s the beauty of YAML (I’m a recent convert!)

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