Appdeamon logs access rights

is there a reason why we would want the appdaemon.log and appdaemon.err files to be owned by and only readable by root?? Or did I screw up when I installed it?

-rw-r----- 1 root root 627511 Feb 4 16:03 appdaemon.log

That will be controlled by the owner of the process running appdaemon - checkout what the umask setting for root is.

my logfiles is owned by pi.

Mine too. Which makes sense because that’s the user that installed AD.

did you use sudo to install it?

Wow, been awhile so I don’t remember.

if sudo is in the install docs i used sudo

It is and that means I probably did the same when I installed.

hmmmm, I was thinking if you didn’t maybe that would be why you are getting pi for your user instead of root. Hmmmmm