Why do some switches appear as two flashes, others appear as a switch?
The switches that appear as two lightning flashes have no state feedback. Home assistant has no idea what state the switch is in. It can guess, based on what the last command sent was (on or off) but something outside home assistant could change that state and home assistant would never know. So it is just shown as two seperate commands for on and off.
The toggle switch has state feedback available in home assistant so it can change the state of the toggle if something outside home assistant changes its state.
Great, thank you!
Just in case you really want to change the flashes to slider switch you can do it like this in customize.yaml:
assumed_state: false
Just realize the actual state may still not be known, but it will show as a slider switch.
I did
- platform: switch
entity_id: ....
But the assumed_state is easier.