Apple Home updates

Hi Guys,
I’m new here, and just installed the Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi5.
Added HomeBridge Kit, and was able to see on my Apple Home app the device which wehre there before I have added the HomeBridge Kit. Now I have added Ring and SolarEdge ModBus Multi (over HACS) to HomeAssistant, but can’t see it in AppleHome app. I there any sync option I need to adjust? Or any other ideas?
My configuration.yaml under HomeAssistant folder seems to be empty I see only the default entries but not any entries for added device. I was under impression the system will add all entries automatically to the configuration.yaml?
This is what is in the config file:

Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.


Load frontend themes from the themes folder

themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
Thanks all

First, please post code according to the following post and GIF example so we can read it.


That being said, yes you do need to adjust your HomeKit configuration (which is not part of the code you posted). You can set what devices are sent to HomeKit from there.

thanks, but for that I need to know if my configuration.yaml location is ok, as all focus a saying me to go to the config folder and open the configuration.yaml file. I do not have the config folder.
To be sure I have th right file, I have opened the only configuration.yaml I was able to find and see only the entries I posted above. But should I not see more entries for all added devices in it?

There are two places where the HomeKit integration can be configured - one is in YAML and by default there should be a homekit.yaml file in your config folder. The other is under Settings → Devices → HomeKit.

Where are you looking for your config folder if you say it cannot be found? You opened your configuration.yaml file, and that’s in the same folder.

this is how it looks like:

So you can replace all references of “config” folder with “homeassistant” folder instead, that was a change last year on new installations. It’s interesting that it’s still referenced in official documentation.

But should not be for example my Ring device settings in the yaml file? Just wonder that nothing is in from my devices, where are they?