Apple HomeKit Integration Issue - Live Streaming Not Working for USB Camera

Hello community,

I hope everyone is doing well. I am currently experiencing an issue with the integration of my USB camera into Apple HomeKit using MotionEye, and I am seeking assistance and advice from fellow members.

Problem Description: I have successfully configured my USB camera with MotionEye, and it works flawlessly within Home Assistant. However, when I integrate the camera into Apple HomeKit, I can see the camera thumbnails updating periodically, but the live streaming feature doesn’t work. It keeps buffering indefinitely, and I am unable to view the real-time video feed.

Setup Details:

  • USB camera configured in MotionEye.
  • Camera added to Home Assistant using the “generic” platform.
  • Still_image_url and stream_source URLs provided correctly.

Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

  • Verified the correctness of the still_image_url and stream_source URLs, and they function correctly in a web browser.
  • Ensured MotionEye is accessible from outside my local network.
  • Confirmed that MotionEye allows streaming on the specified port (9081).
  • Updated MotionEye and Home Assistant to the latest versions.

Despite these efforts, I am unable to achieve a live stream in Apple HomeKit.

Request for Assistance: I am seeking guidance from the community to troubleshoot this issue. If anyone has encountered a similar problem or has any insights on how to resolve this, I would sincerely appreciate your help.

Thank you all in advance for your time and support.

Best regards, Paweł Hadryś