Apple Homepods mini

I have three apple homepod minis. Two are configured as a stereo pair through the Apple home app and apple tv one is a stand-alone. I am able to find and connect to the one that isn’t configured as a stereo pair, but the two that are configured as a stereo pair are not detected by Home assistant - is this a known issue?

I’m wondering about this as well. I’ve just setup some automations and things with my homepods that look at state attributes. They work great with the 3 single homepods. Things like the state (idle/playing), title, volume, etc. are all reported accurately and quickly.

The stereo pair are wonky. I can actually setup the left and right homepod individually in home assistant but the state attributes do not update correctly. For example, the left homepod always shows “standby” and the right homepod always shows “idle” even when media is playing. Interestingly, the title is up-to-date when something is playing, but this isn’t a useful indicator since the title is persistent when the homepods are paused.

It may be that we need to go file a bug in Github.

Ok finally submitted a bug report/request


Thanks for doing that. I left a comment about my experience as well. Hopefully this gets resolved soon.

Any news on this?

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