Apple iCloud integration - broken?

Hello - is the iCloud integration broken? I have been getting apple 2FA messages requesting approval but the integration isn’t asking for the code. I’ve removed and reinstalled the integration several times, rebooting in-between, no 2FA request.


I’ve been getting something similar since Mar 2022, maybe earlier.
Every month I get the scenario Frank describes. I get the notifications on HA app on my iPhone (and Watch). Selecting Allow or Ignore makes no difference.
Like Frank, I’ve tried the reboots, disable, etc. Only constant thing I notice is after 12 hours, HA on my PC eventually gives me an option to enter the 2FA code.
FWIW, I’ve got HA ticking along happily on a mighty Raspberry pi 2.

I’ve seen this in the HA log, but that’s as far as I’ve looked.
ERROR (SyncWorker_8) [pyicloud.base] Authentication required for Account. (421)

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I have the same problem. I even can’t uninstall the integration.

Did you manage to meanwhile?
(maybe others want to follow Manually remove iCloud integration)

Somehow I managed to install iCloud3 via HACS and delete the default integration. It works now, but the constant PIN requests are annoying.

Same same but different right?

I won’t touch all those integrations until they finally don’t annoy one regularly.