Apple TV is not recognised after it was powered off


I am using the latest HASS 0.46.1 version. If I boot / restart HASS while my Apple TV is on, HASS detects the status (play/pause) without any issues. Since my Apple TV is connected to the same power outlet as my TV, it gets powered off any time the power outlet is switched off by HASS. For some reasons, the Apple TV is not detected any more, when it boots while HASS is already on and has detected it before. Therefore, automations based on the play / pause status do not work anymore if the Apple TV was powered off once.

One solution would be to leave the Apple TV always on, but I would rather prefer to have it being recognised correctly also after it was powered off and rebooted again.
Anybody else who has this behaviour?

Nevermind, I decided to have my Apple TV always on. The media player component now always has the right player status.