Apple Watch Actions

Same question here. Want to show sensor data on the watch.

I did followed your instructions, it is working for the actions but when I comfigure a sensor To show it only works for one time. It is not updating itself. Any idea?

I haven tried but yes it should:

  service: notify.notify
    message: "The sun is {% if is_state('sun.sun', 'above_horizon') %}up{% else %}down{% endif %}!

More on templates:

What sort of sensor are you trying to configure?
To give you an example I added this thing to my front door:


So every time it opens >> action is fired (no matter how many times) and notification arrives on both my iPhone and watch.

I don’t mean notifications but sensor data shown on the Apple Watch

Oh I think you are out of luck but you could try this:

Another option is simulating HomeKit device HomeKit Bridge - Home Assistant to show your sensor data.

I’m using that to control lights and shades and see their status.

Thanks for the suggestion but would like to use the native App function instead this custom method.

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Yes, displaying sensor data would be great. I would like to see the temperature of my own weather station instead of some nonsense weather apps.

Any one had any luck with this? On the iOS app the ‘Apple Watch’ integrations don’t seem to work. If I preview output on the template screen the state is correctly reported, but on watch face it is blank (or sometimes says ‘Not configured’) instead of showing my template.


After tinkering with these some more, it seems that the ‘Large rectangle’ on the Modular and Infograph Modular faces does work, eventually. It’s a bit random, it took a few minutes to appear but it did finally change from the error message to the correct output. I didn’t change my template. Both {{states("alarm_control_panel.home_security")}} and {{states.alarm_control_panel.home_security.state}} seem to work equally sporadically.

I can’t get any other complication to work.

This is what the error message looked like:


After 5 or 10 minutes it eventually turned into this:


Some other complications seem to have their own issues :rofl: :


I gave up on trying to get it to work. I eventually got just an icon to show (though the icon is strangely zoomed in with only the center showing). I use that to access actions, but use an app called Complicated to display states. And with Complicated you can determine how often it updates because you can use an automation in HA to trigger it, and to set what it says. Text just has to be URL encoded.

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Thanks! I also had the weird zoom in problem, and also upside down.

It never updated either. It’s been hours now.

The accessing actions part of it seems to work well. I’m loving those so far.

I’ll look into Complicated, cheers!

can u use siri to launch actions from apple watch? I got some actions working but would think more usable if I could tell my watch to do it.

You can use Shortcuts app to do that. Create a shortcut using on of the Home Assistant actions, like Call Service. Say Hey Siri & name of shortcut, and she’ll run it.

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Thanks I actually got actionable notification working w/ node red and the Apple Watch actions working w/ nodered also.
Siri seems to be able to do the watch actions so far.

Hi All,
How can I change icon here?
Thanks a lot!

Has anyone had success getting a HA-based Siri shortcut to work from the Apple watch? My situation is as follows:

  • Running core-2021.3.0 HA
  • WatchOS is 7.3.2
  • Iphone IOS version is 14.4
  • IOS Mobile companion app installed last week (version ??)
  • I created an Action on the Watch and clicking that does correctly cause a ios.action_fired event which I can intercept and everything works fine there.
  • But when I add a Siri shortcut to that action (I used the HA mobile companion app to add the shortcut), and try to use it, Siri recognizes the shortcut but I get the error message “remote user isn’t registered” and no ios.action_fired event is fired.
  • However, the Siri shortcut when used from the Iphone works does correctly fire the ios.action_fired event.

It’s nice to have the action button working on the watch, but having the Siri shortcut work from the watch would be even better. Any suggestions?

On a different topic but still watch-related…
As mentioned previously, I created an Action on the Watch and clicking that does correctly cause a ios.action_fired event which I can intercept and everything works fine there. However, I would like to let the watch user know that his requested Action really happened without error. I thought a notification using the service notify.mobile_app_iphone would do it but one problem is that if the phone is on, the notification only goes to the phone and the watch user doesn’t see anything. And when I tried witih the phone off (locked), I still did not see anything on the watch until I turned the phone back on, then the notification finally got delivered.

Is there some way to configure the notification such that it will always go to the watch immediately? (Without having to do something crazy like turning “wrist detection” off).

Hello everyone,

Does anyone know if it is possible that when you turn on a lamp via the apple watch, the color of the button can be changed so that you see that the button is activated?

Thank you for your response

This also helped me so I try to explain it to the n00bs.

First create a new action on your iPhone and keep in mind the name, that is the only thing that we will use in the automation.yaml so try to give it a unique name as you would do for any other automation.

Nothing will be created in the automation.yaml so you need to do it yourself.
Basically you can call any service that works with the device you want to control.

Here are two examples, the first to toggle a light switch

- alias: "Ikea_Lampe"


    - platform: event

      event_type: ios.action_fired


        actionName: Ikea_Lampe


    - service: switch.toggle

      data: {}


        entity_id: switch.ikea_lampe_socket_1

and the second to turn on the AC in the car, which is the push of a button as a service

- alias: "SpingGrau AC on"


    - platform: event

      event_type: ios.action_fired


        actionName: Spring_Grau_AC_on


    - service:

      entity_id: button.start_air_conditioner