AppleTV status combine with Netflix

Hi All,

I think its not a question for here, but maybe have same question or have a solution for it.
I have made a automation that look to status of AppleTV (idle, playing, paused).
This work great!!

But. When using Netflix App on AppleTV there is a issue. The intro video’s of Netflix are also signed as playing for AppleTV. So my lights go down in brightness. When switch to other serie, light come up and when intro is playing lights go down again.

Because AppleTV status say : Playing, switch serie means idle and then play again.
Is there a way to solve this, or will send appleTV a different Status but its not seen by HA?


Put a state delay in your trigger. I do this with the Kodi integration:

- id: lounge_movie_scene_on
  alias: "Lounge Movie Scene On"
    platform: state
    entity_id: media_player.lounge_osmc_kodi
    to: 'playing'
      seconds: 2

You will have to experiment to find a time (in seconds) that allows you to switch from the intro to the program without causing the lights to come on but that also does not delay the scene too much when you want it.


Thanks for the idea. I’ll go into this and see what best time will be.
Ill come back to give my feedback, so maybe usable for others as well…