📳 Appliance Notifications & Actions - Washing Machine - Clothes Dryer - Dish Washer - ETC

Ya, but there is a short programm running etw. 30 minutes. i try 0.1 :slight_smile:


If you have different times then you could also try a dead zone of 0 min and then look at your troughs and work out the longest one before it rises again then set your end time delay to be longer than the longest trough. You have 5 min set now and that may work if not try increasing it.

Blacky :smiley:

This settings now worked for me! Thx.
Next step is to get a whatsapp from the system… :slight_smile:

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I have recently moved to this blueprint from another less advanced one.

The phone notifications for start and end work in an expected time frame. But I also have set custom actions to notify me on my Google home devices (end notification). This takes about 5 mins longer than the phone notification (this time is consistent).

Any reason for this?

The other blueprint is configured with the same settings and both the phone notifications and Google notifications trigger at the same time.


Thanks for the heads up… this snuck in with the Reminder Notification. I will need to fix this. Look out for a new update.

Blacky :smiley:

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New Update 2.6

Bugs Fixed :bug:

  • Fixed a bug where, when opting to use Reminder Notification with Custom Actions - End, the custom action would not be executed until the reminder notification was fully completed.

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Blacky :grinning:

Hi @Blacky

Really like your Blueprints. I have a question, is it also possible to enable Pushover notifications in your Blueprints? Currently I can only select my mobile device which has the App installed on it.
