Thanks for this amazing blueprint, which works nicely! Even the costs, calculated by consumption (kWh) during the run multiplied by the price (currency/kWh) are correctly shown in the alert message on my mobile device.
Would you mind sharing a few thoughts about how I could present the costs per run on my dashboard? I am not sure how to place it there - marked by <???>:
Do I have to create another template variable for this, or can I put it (as a kind of a formula) directly into the YAML code shown above?
I understand that this is not really related to your great blueprint, but is rather a more general HA question about how to present a value from an entity that is actually a factor (A x B). Hopefully, you do not mind that I ask here.
From time to time, Home Assistant updates their YAML standards and coding practices. To align with their roadmap, we’ve updated the code accordingly. We will continue to apply these updates across all our blueprints as they are revised.
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Great blueprint and I have this working fine for the dish washer and dryer. My washer is smart things based, which sends an energy usage as KWh but not an on demand wattage.
I could create a sensor which goes to 10 when the washers state changes to ON, and then 0 when the washers state changes to OFF, which could then be used as a dummy wattage sensor, but is there a better way, i.e. modified so that the washers state can be used in place of the wattage triggers?
First of all: Great work. I really love this blueprint.
I do have a question though: Is there an option to access the current “state” of the automation? E.g. I want to display on my dashbboard if the dryer is running or if the automation is in waiting state after the end threashhold has been detected.
Atm I’m helping myself by setting a helper entity with the start and end custom actions but I’d really love to use the other states this automation has …
If you are going to use the power tracking then that would be the best way. If your not going to use the power tracking then have a look at my State Notifications & Actions blueprint as it will track your state and send the notification. If you state is not in the selection for start and end then just type it in, make sure it exactly the same (lower case?).
The automation just runs so having a custom action is the way to go. @nicknol shared his method of how he does it and it may help you in your setup, click here to Nick post.
Maybe someone else may share how they monitor the status in a dashboard.
Meanwhile I use MeasureIt to track the duration of the runs of the appliances; it observes a template condition to start/stop the kind-of stop watch. in my case input_boolean.dryer_job_cycle or to be more precise input_boolean.dryer_finished since I simplified my scripts to use less helpers, which were left-overs of former approaches…
I must be doing something wrong, because it’s not acting as it should.
I created four number helpers as shown by Blacky; two for the washing machine and two for the tumbledryer:
I created a quick entity list to see what was going on. (See picture)
When the washing machine started it entered the correct value for total kWh in the “start” field. As shown in picture.
When the washing machine stopped, the value in the “end” field remained “0”.
When the tumbledryer started it entered the same kWh value in the “end” field, see picture.
When the tumbledryer stopped, nothing changed.
This is very strange explicitly because you have the exact same reading for your washing machine and dryer. Something it not set correctly.
Check your input numbers and check your Power Tracking - Power Sensor.
I thinking it will be your Power Tracking - Power Sensor. You should have different sensors for both that read the total kwh as it being use throughout the day (should always be increasing).
I had not figured out which device it is (was running out of time).
But I think this is a really missing feature to include the continue_on_error with the aliases. I think it should never block the blueprint from working, if one device fails.
I have a problem with this Blueprint. The automation starts aber never ends. I found this in die log:
Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.appliance_notifications_actions
Quelle: helpers/script.py:2032
Integration: Automatisierung ([Dokumentation](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/automation), [Probleme](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22integration%3A+automation%22))
Erstmals aufgetreten: 15:19:24 (2 Vorkommnisse)
Zuletzt protokolliert: 18:47:00
Appliance Notifications & Actions: Choose at step 5: choice 1: Wait until appliance has finished: Error rendering Appliance Notifications & Actions: Choose at step 5: choice 1: Wait until appliance has finished timeout template: Time period should be positive
Can someone help me? Next test tommorow is to try with “End - Power Time Delay” to 3 Minutes instead of 2,5. Perhaps the system does not cope with decimal places?
Im still finind my feet with HA but am making good progress.
I have added the blueprint and added the smart socket that my tumble dryer is attached to.
I have set teh parametsrs looking at the cycle from last night - however when i click “run” just to test the notification for teh end nothing comes through - am i being really silly?