Applying state_color:false to button Footer in Entities card

Currently I’m restructuring my lovelace dashboard to provide a more compact set of views and to take advantage of features that have appeared since my v1 attempts.

I’ve added a buttons footer to an Entities card to hold a set of template switches with custom icons dependant on state, however try as I might I cannot apply state_color:false to the resulting buttons.

I’ve tried applying it at the card level, and within the footer itself.

Am I going crazy or is this just not supported right now?

I’ve got the same challenge. What I’d like is to have the buttons in the footer NOT to have state_color and although it’s accepted in the YAML, it doesn’t seem to have any effect.

I went with a custom UI element in the end - the excellent paper buttons row installed via HACs.

Thanks. Just downloaded it and will give it a try.