APRS Device Tracker Component

Anybody got this working? I don’t get any errors in the logs, and nothing shows up either… just…nothing…

Would love to use this to track my radios, and maybe even pull in local weather data if it can !

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I know this is a bit of an older post, but in case someone else sees this in Google searches as this is a top result. I was able to receive APRS entities, but indeed looks like tracker only. I’ve had a local javAPRSSrvr instance running for years that my internal APRS traffic goes thru, as well as a local igate. My local Weewx instance connects to it to gate the weather data too. From what I can tell so far, it’s tracker only, I haven’t see a way to get weather entities out. In theory aprslib that’s used underneath has support for this, so should be possible to be exposed (if not already, just not sure where documented.) A couple of years back I wrote a simple APRS -> MQTT bridge, I bet it could be used for getting APRS weather out and into HA, but seems kind of a round about solution when this plugin for HA already exists.

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what is your config like?

I feel like its probably due to the “invalid” length of my callsign, I might have to switch it over to the american one I have which is 6 characters…

I replaced my callsign in the snippet below… but it indeed is a US 5 digit callsign. I noticed that the only callsign for me to show up was igate one under entities, and it’s just ‘CALLSIGN’ with no dashes. The station broadcasting my weather never did show up, and does broadcast it’s location data. However it’s my CALLSIGN-13.

  - platform: aprs
    username: CALLSIGN-15
    password: !secret aprs_password
    host: ax25gw01  # local server
      - 'CALLSIGN*'

If I look at the javAPRSSrvr instance, I can see it indeed connected and receiving data, but just not picking up my weather one. I also for some reason couldn’t get it to work with the username and callsigns in secrets, but haven’t tried the username again after swapping the callsign back out.

Hi Mike
I have this working. Consider the default settings for track_new_devices in the device tracker platform. Probably the APRS stations are recorded in known_devices.yaml but defaults to not being tracked.

@harals Thank you for the reply! Still no luck, here’s what I have right now:

  - platform: aprs
    username: CALLSIGN-15
    password: !secret aprs_password
    host: rotate.aprs2.net
      - 'CALLSIGN'
      - 'CALLSIGN-13'
      track_new_devices: true

When I look in known_devices.yaml, this is what I see:

  name: CALLSIGN
  track: true

I even tried putting it back to one of the APRS-IS hosts instead of my internal gateway to make sure wasn’t some weird pathing going on. Both my CALLSIGN and CALLSIGN-13 show up on Findu, and they beacon location, but neither seems to be showing up with a location. Still haven’t seen the CALLSIGN-13 one appear in HA at all either.