APsystems APS ECU R local inverters data pull

Hi, Thank youm that solved.

Thank you for the feedback, I will do a code change and pull request.

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The code change was commited in Github, now HACS shows an update is available, but the version numbers are wrong/confusing:


I think it is a hash from HACS and might reflect the updated version number from the manifest. Update went well for me though (checked files). However, the finding leads to a review of the way in which version numbering has been applied. It is better to use calVer (for example) in the next release.

Hey guys,

I also got my ECU-B yesterday and after a lot of issues connecting it I now have it on my WLAN.
A telnet on port 8899 gives a connection refused … anyone an idea? Or did I missed something in that thread?
It is connected to cloud and also reporting to cloud every 5 mins

And yes it is WLAN connection, no ethernet or such

Initially try PacketSender.com and send the string “APS1100160001END” to IP and port 8899 of your ECU-B. See if you get response. Do not expect a login prompt or something.

% telnet 8899
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

… no other tool will change something here … or?!

my Firmware is 1.2.17 … is this maybe a new one and they blocked the port? Or is this Firmware “commonly working”?

My complete firmware version for the ECU-R is currently: ECU_R_1.2.17Z50.
Did you manage to query the ECU? Telnet will not work, you cannot start a terminal session on the ECU using port 8899.

By default telnet will just do aconnection, there is no protocol beside what you enter.
I also tried with nodejs and also got a connection refused. Also nmap shown no open port at all … Or was anyone able to get an ECU-B to work with it??

Port scan does not reveil anything unless you are lucky (one port is temporarily opened with an interval). If my suggested method of using packetsender does not work (of which I do not have an answer yet), I’m afraid you’ll have to look to other methods like this one: GitHub - bgbraga/homeassistant-apsystems: An APsystems Sensor for Home Assistant

SO my result: Does not work with ECU-B (note … not ECU-R) … :frowning: SO only cloud data for me :disappointed_relieved:

That’s too bad! I assume you used the correct (WiFi) IP address of the ECU.

Yes I am :frowning:

Let’s see if we can move forward by splitting the problem. If you have activated the hotspot part of the ECU-B, you can connect to the ECU-B using a PC via WiFi. Note the IP Address of the ECU-B and try again to send the above command via Packet Sender. Do you get a response now?

APSystems icon was added to HACS. Unfortunately my custom icon was not allowed. HACS and HA only add official manufacturer logo’s.

Yes I can try that tonight, but I expect it to work because the ECU-APP works and I expect it to use exactly the same technique. Only issue is that it seems that they fucked up something - as soon as I enable the AP this WLAN connect is instable as hell and also the normal one becomes instabe … I used 3-4h on the weekend to get it working to set my Wifi settings :slight_smile:

One question: Some way above in this thread also the service mode was described. according to what I remember also from the mobile app this should allow to read data every 20s or such and will turn off automatically after some time (15 mins? 1h?). Could this also be an idea to get more data accuracy? Can this be integrated? @ksheumaker

the ecu isn’t strong/stable enough to use this mode for longer time. You’ll endup with lots of powercycles and that wont benefit the lifespan of the ECU itself.

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