Aqara Buttons All-In-One [Zigbee2MQTT]

same ) can u try pls

no luckā€¦ still nothing working :frowning:

can you please share what have you done? please

can u provide z2m logs here when you press a key?

Iā€™m using version: 1.18.1-1
Aqara WXKG12LM.
MQTT explorer shows the messages being sent.

I have uninstalled the bleuprintā€¦ created a manual automation and it worksā€¦ not sure why the blueprint does not workā€¦

It didnt work. I found someone with a similar issue saying that there was no event trigger and got it resolved this wayā€¦but its too advanced for me to understandā€¦would really appreciate if you could guide me through the process.

Iā€™m also not too sure what decouple does for a switchā€¦

Aqara QBKG25LM (3gang, no neutral) does not trigger event Ā· Issue #5106 Ā· Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt Ā· GitHub

Hi there.

I have one QBKG22LM and one QBKG21LM. I also have one QBKG25LM (three-gang) but that one is known not to work with Z2M.

The issue manifests when I set homeassistant_legacy_triggers: false and try to use the action attribute like this:

- conditions:
        - condition: state
          entity_id: sensor.zigbee_button_smallroom_action
          state: double
          attribute: action

in Z2M config. The event generated then looks like this:

    "event_type": "state_changed",
    "data": {
        "entity_id": "sensor.zigbee_switch_kitchen_action",
        "old_state": {
            "entity_id": "sensor.zigbee_switch_kitchen_action",
            "state": "release_right",
            "attributes": {
                "action": "release_right",
                "button_right": "release",
                "linkquality": 99,
                "operation_mode": "decoupled",
                "operation_mode_left": "decoupled",
                "operation_mode_right": "decoupled",
                "state_left": "ON",
                "state_right": "ON",
                "friendly_name": " action",
                "icon": "mdi:gesture-double-tap"
            "last_changed": "2021-04-29T14:09:00.562730+00:00",
            "last_updated": "2021-04-29T14:09:00.562730+00:00",
            "context": {
                "id": "cbec526666baa680ce0a95e81ed7b034",
                "parent_id": null,
                "user_id": null
        "new_state": {
            "entity_id": "sensor.zigbee_switch_kitchen_action",
            "state": "release_right",
            "attributes": {
                "action": "",
                "linkquality": 99,
                "operation_mode": "decoupled",
                "operation_mode_left": "decoupled",
                "operation_mode_right": "decoupled",
                "state_left": "ON",
                "state_right": "ON",
                "friendly_name": " action",
                "icon": "mdi:gesture-double-tap"
            "last_changed": "2021-04-29T14:09:00.562730+00:00",
            "last_updated": "2021-04-29T14:09:00.572998+00:00",
            "context": {
                "id": "804978c97cc9e29542033e55b3d7da04",
                "parent_id": null,
                "user_id": null
    "origin": "LOCAL",
    "time_fired": "2021-04-29T14:09:00.572998+00:00",
    "context": {
        "id": "804978c97cc9e29542033e55b3d7da04",
        "parent_id": null,
        "user_id": null

when I try to import the schema to HA I get this message:
while scanning a simple key in ā€œā€, line 242, column 1: ^ could not find expected ā€˜:ā€™ in ā€œā€, line 243, column 1: < p> <img src = "https: // community-a ā€¦ ^

can you help and tell what went wrong? :slight_smile:

Same here. Looks like it might be including the image HTML code after the code block, and deciding that this HTML code is not valid blueprint code.
The blueprint itself is fine. If I copy / paste the code block to a blueprint file myself, then I can use it.

@zalus @mmakaay fixed.

1 Like

thanks for the help

Blueprint updated!


  1. Now it works with any value of homeassistant_legacy_entity_attributes of z2m.
  2. Changed the mode to parallel to get rid of ignoring some actions.

Iā€™m having an issue where I single click the button and Home Assistant detects me pressing it 3 times.

What could be causing this?

1 Like

Hi, Iā€™m having the same problem. Have you managed to fix it?

This is great! Thank you.

I am finding that my ā€˜trippleā€™ click isnā€™t working.

Tripple is spelled wrong (should be ā€˜tripleā€™ with one p) on the blueprint front endā€¦ could the typo be extending into the payload too?

Ah yep, it is. In the blueprint I was able to correct the typo of ā€˜trippleā€™ and the command works OK now.

Blueprint updated!


  1. Fix typo of Triple action. Thanks @niko123456000

I find this confusing.
The first sentence indicates that legacy triggers are required, so to be left enabled.
The second sentence (set legacy to false), means according to the site this links to:
legacy: Set to false to disable the legacy integration (highly recommended), will change structure of the published payload (default true). The value must be true or false.

Nevertheless, independently of my confusion, the blueprint works with my mini switch on first try :slight_smile:

homeassistant_legacy_triggers is not the same legacy in device options. About triggers see Z2M Responding to button clicks. By default homeassistant_legacy_triggers: true and if you havenā€™t touched this - you donā€™t need to do anything.

legacy: false in device section removes the deprecated click sensor (we use action sensor instead) and itā€™s not required, just a recommendation.