I’m configuring my aqara cube trough zigbee2mqtt.
I have already configured some others automations, but I’m in stuck with this one.
I want to change the brightness of my yeelight lamp while rotating the cube.
When i rotate the cube I receive this error in the log:
2020-02-15 13:28:35 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation] Error while executing automation automation.cubo_intensita_luci. Invalid data for call_service at pos 1: Service brightness: ‘109’ does not match format ..
You don’t have a service here, only the brightness. You should also use the state_attr(xxx) notation instead of the states.xxx notation, see here for more details.
Please be also informed that the automation as you have it now, will turn the brightness down for every possible action of the aqara cube except for “rotate_right” (which will turn the brightness up).