Aqara E1 Blinds voice not working with Alexa or Google

just wondering if anyone can help me out with Aqara E1 blinds working with voice with me using Cloudflare? Google Home does not seem to be doing it for the setup using Zigbee, any help be great on this, please. Is it going to be better to change over to Nabu Casa and get rid of Cloudflared? or is there a way to get Cloudflare into Google Home Linked services?

Did you expose the blinds entity to Google Assistant? Do you see it in Google Home? Can you open/close it from the Google Home interface?

I’ve tried too but its not finding the Entities correctly as the names are cover.kitchen_blinds_cover and when I look to expose it cannot find it! Same with Alexa
expose blind entities

I’m also unable to add it into Aqara App as then I cannot use Home Assistant

Not sue what you mean by Googles interface? Are you meaning In Google Home on my mobile or some where else?

I can open and close it in Home Assistant and its in my Dashboard its just the voice that not going back to Home Assistant App. it would work with Google if I was able to add it in Aqara APP the Google voice would work but you cannot add both.

These are the only ones I can find so far!

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I;m still having issues with voice not comeing rfrom Alexa or Google when I install Zigbee devices from Aqara.

Main issues is they go into Ha ok but voice cammands are usless.

I have Exposed them for Alexa and Google but still no luck.

I did notice yesterday they went into Alexa App but was saying unresponsive. So it looks like they are being exposed butno clue why unresponsive?

I will post images for you to see, maybe I have set it all up wrong or somthings changed with Cloudflare?

I still get no voice to work!