Aqara e1 roller shutter motor

I have roller shutter aqara e1. Connected by z2m. Everything works but the status doesn’t refresh. When I manually refresh the status is correct. How do I force z2m to refresh its state automatically?

What is the device name that shows up in zigbee2mqtt? What type of zigbee dongle do you use and what firmware does it run?

(I think I have these devices too, trying to help)

Device name: bedroom blind
Date firmware: 10-09-2022
The version is not displayed, but rather it is up to date.
Conbee II

What firmware version of the conbee stick do you have? (you can find that in zigbee2mqtt)


Are you sure that is the firmware version of the Conbee II Stick? It can be found here:

If it is your firmware version, try updating the Conbee II firmware. That made all the difference to me. I have 3 ZNJLBL01LM devices, and they all report the motor state correctly. A complete description of ‘How To’ can be found here: Update deCONZ manually · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin Wiki · GitHub