Aqara g4 mute switch?

I have a Aqara G4 door bell

In HA there is 3 MUTE switch, what do they do?

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Did you ever figure this out. I’ve got the same, though it won’t let me toggle any of them, and the first one is on.
edit: I can change the first one. That mutes/unmutes the repeater chime.

Also, have you found anyway to have the doorbell in the Aqara/Home app as well as in Home Assistant? I’ve found that if it’s in either/both of those, Home Assistant can’t find it.

I know I can add the entities to Home via HomeKit Bridge, but that doesn’t allow you to use the microphone to speak through the doorbell.

I did not figure out the use mute/unmute :-/

I have G4 in HA and on 2 android phones, so we can answar the door bell with the aqara app, and installed it in HA, to use the camera and when the button is pressed I have a chime on my google home speakers.

I’ve only got an iPhone, so unfortunately that won’t work for me.

If I could just have the doorbell in Home app and have it turn on an input_boolean switch when it was pressed, I wouldn’t need it in Home Assistant. But I want some scripts to run when the doorbell is pressed.
Unfortunately that doesn’t seem possible, and while I have it set up in HA at the moment, I’m considering switching it because I can’t save recordings in HA (camera.record isn’t supported).
Bit annoying that I can’t have it set up exactly as I want regardless of where it’s linked to.

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You can set an automation for the triggers on “motion detected” & “motion no longer detected” in the Home app to create webhooks that go to your Home Assistant. Then you can create a more fully featured HA automation. Unfortunately, there is no Doorbell Pressed trigger. At least with this you can do something like: when motion detected webhook & I am not at home, then play alarm.

Unfortunately the motion detected bit is useless for me as I have neighbours in the next units that walk past a lot. It’d be triggered a lot for no reason.
I contacted Aqara tech support and they’ve said the passed the request to their team