Aqara H1 (neutral, single rocker) doesn't switch lights

I installed the H1 switch for a regular chandelier with non-smart bulbs. Before installing the switch, I turned off all the lights in the apartment. After installation, I turned it on, and the chandelier turned on for a second, after which it immediately turned off. The switch LED was flashing red instead of staying on. So I connected everything correctly. Then I connected the switch via zigbee2mqtt. When you press its button, the relay clicks and the state of the switch changes, but there is no light in the chandelier. Then I tried to reconnect, but to aqara home. Everything is the same - the light does not turn on. In addition, in the statistics on energy and power expended, everything is zero (in both zigbee2mqtt and aqara home). I don’t understand what the problem could be. Help me please.

This sounds like a wiring issue. Combined with the fact that you already admitted it was incorrectly wired the first time, you better pray you didn’t damage the switch.

Post a pic of how your switch is currently wired so we can have more info

I didn’t say I connected it wrong. I immediately connected correctly, which was confirmed by the LED, which simply flashed red quickly. The instructions say that if it flashes red quickly, it means it is not connected to zigbee. And if it lights up continuously, then the wiring is incorrect.

Actually, I’m not entirely sure that I have a neutral. Previously, there was a regular switch with 2 buttons, one of which switched all the light bulbs in the chandelier, and the second did nothing. Accordingly, there are 3 wires. Is it possible that the third is not neutral, but L2? I think not, because then it is unlikely that the switch would work at all, since it is powered from the neutral. But I, of course, could be wrong.

Sorry, I misunderstood then.

If one of those wires was a neutral, it wouldn’t be connected to the original dumb switch at all. Dumb switches don’t usually have a neutral connection.
What could be happening is that it’s a 2-way switch. Is the chandelier switched on from any other switch in the house?

Again, if you post a pic of your current wiring (as well as the back of your old switch, people might be able to help more, although I still suggest calling in an electrician.

I am also inclined to believe that this is still L2, and not neutral. But still, why then is the switch connected to the zigbee hub, the LED on the button lights up, if it is not neutral? Shouldn’t it then not work at all?

You’re probably right. Do you have a pic of the back of the old switch?

Your H1 might be (semi) working in non-neutral mode, despite the fact that it isn’t supposed to. Haven’t tried it on mine and honestly, I’m not willing to risk it.

There is no photo of the old switch, but it looks like all 3 wires were connected there. So do I need to buy a switch without neutral?

I’d call an electrician. He should easily be able to pull a neutral as well as hook up your switch correctly (assuming it hasn’t been damaged) while he’s there.

Indeed, it was just a wire not connected to anything. I installed a switch without a neutral, and everything works. Thank you!

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