Aqara H1 Smart Knob (Dimmer / Rotary Switch) for controlling a CCT Light (z2m)


This blueprint allows to control a CCT light with an Aqara H1 Smart Knob rotary switch.


  • click to turn on/off the light
  • rotate the switch to change the brightness
  • press and turn the dial (while still holding it) to change the color temperature
  • double click to set your preferred color temperature

The blueprint let’s you limit the brightness and color temperature.



Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

  name: AqaraH1SmartKnob_CCTLight
  description: |
    This automation allows you to use an Aqara H1 Smart Knob to control a CCT light.

    - A single click of the wheel will toggle the light.
    - Turning the wheel will change the brightness level.
    - Pressing the wheel down and turning it while holding changes the color temperature.
    - A double click of the wheel will set the default color temperature.

    The Aqara H1 Smart Knob needs to be integrated using the zigbee2mqtt integration to have the required entities.

    The light can be any light entity with a color temperatrue attribute.

  domain: automation
      name: Aqara H1 Smart Knob Action Entity
      description: Select the Action entity of your Aqara H1 Smart Knob.
            - domain: sensor
          multiple: false
      name: Aqara H1 Smart Knob Action Rotation Angle Speed Entity
      description: Select the Action Rotation Angle Speed entity of your Aqara H1 Smart Knob.
            - domain: sensor
          multiple: false
      name: Light Entity
      description: |
        Select the CCT light entity you want to control.
            - domain: light
          multiple: false
      name: Brightness change per rotation step
      description: Set the brightness change (in percentage points) that is applied when the wheel is turned one step.
      default: 2
          min: 1
          max: 10
          unit_of_measurement: "%"
      name: Minimum Brightness
      description: |
        Set the minimum brightness (in percent). 
        If set to zero, the light will be turned off when zero brightness is reached.
      default: 1
          min: 0
          max: 99
          unit_of_measurement: "%"
      name: Maximum Brightness
      description: Set the maximum brightness (in percent). Must be greater than the minimum.
      default: 100
          min: 1
          max: 100
          unit_of_measurement: "%"
      name: Turn on light when the wheel is rotated
      description: >
        If enabled, the light will be turned on if the wheel is rotated.
      default: true
      name: Restore previous brightness when the light is turned on because of wheel rotation
      description: |
        If enabled, the light will be turned on at its previous brightness level if the wheel is rotated. 
        If disabled, turning the wheel clockwise will turn on the light at minimum brightness; turning the wheel counter-clockwise will have no effect.

        Note 1: Has no effect if the previous option is disabled.

        Note 2: The light will be turned on at its previous brightness level independent of the rotation speed / angle of the wheel.

        Note 3: if this option is enabled and the minimum brightness is zero and the light was turned off previously by rotating the wheel sufficiently long counter-clockwise, turning the wheel counter-clockwise will turn on the light at a very low level and the next counter-clockwise rotation will immediately turn off the light again.
        This will feel counterintuitive to most users so it's best to set the minimum brightness to a value greater than zero when this option is enabled.
      default: true
      name: Color Temperature change per rotation step
      description: Set the color temperature change (in Kelvin) that is applied when the wheel is turned one step while being held (clicked).
      default: 100
          min: 1
          max: 1000
          unit_of_measurement: "K"
      name: Minimum Color Temperature
      description: Set the minimum color temperature (in Kelvin).
      default: 2700
          min: 1000
          max: 9000
          unit_of_measurement: "K"
      name: Maximum Color Temperature
      description: Set the maximum color temperature (in Kelvin).
      default: 6500
          min: 1000
          max: 9000
          unit_of_measurement: "K"
      name: Default Maximum Color Temperature
      description: Set the default color temperature (in Kelvin).
      default: 5400
          min: 1000
          max: 9000
          unit_of_measurement: "K"
      name: Set Default Color Temperature on Double Click
      description: If enabled, the default color temperature is applied when the wheel is double clicked.
      default: true
  ENTITY_H1_ACTION: !input action_entity_id
  ENTITY_H1_ROTATION_ANGLE_SPEED: !input rotation_angle_speed_action_entity_id
  ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT: !input target_light
  LIGHT_ROTATION_MULTIPLIER: !input brightness_step_pct
  LIGHT_MIN_BRIGHTNESS_PCT: !input brightness_min_pct
  LIGHT_MAX_BRIGHTNESS_PCT: !input brightness_max_pct
  LIGHT_TURN_ON_ON_ROTATION: !input turn_on_light_on_rotation
  LIGHT_RESTORE_BRIGHTNESS: !input restore_brightness_when_turned_on_via_wheel_rotation
  COLOR_TEMP_STEP: !input colortemp_step
  COLOR_TEMP_MIN: !input colortemp_min
  COLOR_TEMP_MAX: !input colortemp_max
  COLOR_TEMP_DEFAULT: !input colortemp_default
  APPLY_DEFAULT_COLORTEMP_ON_DOUBLECLICK: !input set_default_colortemp_on_doubleclick

  - platform: state
    entity_id: !input action_entity_id
    to: null
    enabled: true
    id: ACTION
  - platform: state
      - !input rotation_angle_speed_action_entity_id
    enabled: true
    to: unknown
  - platform: state
      - !input rotation_angle_speed_action_entity_id
    from: null
    to: null
    enabled: true
condition: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - ACTION
          - choose:
              - conditions:
                  - condition: template
                    value_template: "{{trigger.to_state.state == 'single'}}"
                    alias: Single
                  - service: light.toggle
                    metadata: {}
                      transition: 2
                      entity_id: "{{ ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT }}"
                    enabled: true
                alias: Toggle Light on "Single Click"
              - conditions:
                  - condition: template
                    value_template: "{{trigger.to_state.state == 'double'}}"
                    alias: Double
                  - condition: template
                    value_template: "{{ APPLY_DEFAULT_COLORTEMP_ON_DOUBLECLICK }}"
                  - service: light.turn_on
                    metadata: {}
                      transition: 2
                      kelvin: "{{ COLOR_TEMP_DEFAULT }}"
                      entity_id: "{{ ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT }}"
                    enabled: true
                alias: Set Default color tenperature on "Double Click"
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - ROTATION_ANGLE_SPEED
          - condition: or
              - condition: template
                value_template: >-
                  {{ (trigger.from_state.state | int > 0 or (trigger.from_state.state | int < 0 and LIGHT_RESTORE_BRIGHTNESS)) and
                  (states(ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT) == 'off' and LIGHT_TURN_ON_ON_ROTATION) }}
                alias: >-
                  Testen ob das Licht aus ist und die Helligkeit soll erhöht
              - condition: template
                value_template: >-
                  {{ trigger.from_state.state | int > 0 and
                  state_attr(ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT, 'brightness') / 2.55 <
                  LIGHT_MAX_BRIGHTNESS_PCT }}
                alias: >-
                  Testen ob die Helligkeit erhöht werden soll und max.
                  Helligkeit nicht erreicht ist
              - condition: template
                value_template: >-
                  {{ trigger.from_state.state | int < 0 and
                  state_attr(ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT, 'brightness') / 2.55 >
                  LIGHT_MIN_BRIGHTNESS_PCT }}
                alias: >-
                  Testen ob die Helligkeit verringert werden soll und min.
                  Helligkeit nicht erreicht ist
          - if:
              - alias: "If light is off and brightness shall be restored"
                condition: template
                value_template: "{{ states(ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT) == 'off' and LIGHT_RESTORE_BRIGHTNESS }}"
              - alias: "Restore brightness"
                service: light.turn_on
                  entity_id: "{{ ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT }}"
              - service: light.turn_on
                metadata: {}
                  brightness_pct: >-
                    {## Gewünschte Schrittweite berechnen ##} {% set STEP_SIZE =
                    trigger.from_state.state | int * LIGHT_ROTATION_MULTIPLIER / 12 %}
                    {## Gewünschte Helligkeit in Variable speichern ##} {% if
                    states(ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT) == 'off' %}
                      {% set BRIGHTNESS_PCT = LIGHT_MIN_BRIGHTNESS_PCT %}
                    {% else  %}
                      {% set BRIGHTNESS_PCT = STEP_SIZE + state_attr(ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT, 'brightness') / 2.55  %}
                    {% endif %} {## Neuen Helligkeitswert unter Einhaltung der
                    Limits setzen  ##}  {{ min(LIGHT_MAX_BRIGHTNESS_PCT,
                    max(LIGHT_MIN_BRIGHTNESS_PCT, BRIGHTNESS_PCT)) }}
                  entity_id: "{{ ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT }}"
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ states(ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT) == 'on' }}"
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ trigger.to_state.state != 'unknown' and trigger.from_state.state != 'unknown' }}"
          - service: light.turn_on
            metadata: {}
              kelvin: >-
                {## Gewünschte Schrittweite berechnen ##} {% set STEP_SIZE =
                trigger.to_state.state | int * COLOR_TEMP_STEP / 12 %} {##
                Aktuelle Farbtemperatur in Variable speichern ##} {% set
                COLOR_TEMP_KELVIN = state_attr(ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT,
                'color_temp_kelvin') %} {## Tatsächliche Grenzwerte berechnen
                ##} {% set COLOR_TEMP_MIN = max(COLOR_TEMP_MIN,
                state_attr(ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT, 'min_color_temp_kelvin')) %} {%
                set COLOR_TEMP_MAX = min(COLOR_TEMP_MAX,
                state_attr(ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT, 'max_color_temp_kelvin')) %}

                {## Neue Farbtemperatur unter Einhaltung der Limits setzen ##}
                {{ min(COLOR_TEMP_MAX, max(COLOR_TEMP_MIN, COLOR_TEMP_KELVIN +
                STEP_SIZE)) }}
              entity_id: "{{ ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHT }}"
  stored_traces: 20
mode: queued
max: 30


The switch needs to be integrated with Home Assistant through the zigbee2mqtt integration. Multiple entities will be provided by the z2m integration once the switch is joined to your zigbee network.
The automation works on the “… Action” and “… Action Rotation Angle Speed” entities which you need to select in the blueprint.

Technical Details

The automation utilizes the slightly peculiar behavior of the switch entities.
When you look at your entities you’ll notice that they will most often show “unknown” as the current state. That is because every “normal” action like clicking or rotating the dial will be immediately followed by a MQTT message which resets the state of the entities to unknown.

However, no “reset” messages will be sent while the dial is pressed and rotated (while still being held). This way, we can distinguish between normal rotation and a button-down rotation to control two different states.

The smart knob has an entity which indicates the angle by which the wheel has been turned. But since this appears to be relative to the current dial action and it is now quite clear when it is reset, the information is rather useless.

Fortunately the smart knob also provides an entity which gives the angle by which the dial has been turned since the last update. The blueprint uses this information to incrementally change the brightness / color temperature.


hi, Thank you for sharing this blueprint!
however after installed this, I find that rotation to chang brightness cannot work.

this is awesome!

Do you think there’s a way to control more than one lights? Perhaps dim one of two or three light in a room, whichever is on at the time perhaps? Or better yet the double click to be the way to switch between lights!

I set it up according to the instructions, everything works, except for adjusting the color temperature, please help me figure out what the problem is. Adjustment when the button is pressed, adjusts the same brightness. It’s as if the system doesn’t see such an event.

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I’m kind of using this in a hybrid way by running the Aqara H1 Wireless Dimmer in it’s ‘command’ mode and not in ‘event’ mode.

It allows the device to have the On/Off functionality bound to the light bulb itself.
So when Z2M/HA is down, the Aqara dimmer still turns on the light

And when HA is on, the Aqara dimmer controls the brightness via your blueprint.

However, there are caveats (and id love if they could be fixed or addressed but i’m doubtful :frowning: they are:

  1. The light can only be turned on via a double click, or by turning the wheel to adjust the brightness and the light automatically comes on (when HA is on) single click does not work for on/off.

  2. If HA is off the light can still only be turned on or off via a double click of the rotary dial.

I’d love it if this dimmer could turn the light on and off via the light switch with a single click (but i think this is a limitiation of ‘command’ mode only allowing a light to turn on via a double click?

What do you think?

I have a problem, that when I single press the button, it registers a rotation of 0, resulting in that the light does not turn off. It helps when I press it very carefully so no rotation at all happens. But it is really annoying. Any idea how to fix that?

It would be nice to add multiple switches to the automation (but it kinda get done now with taking control of the blueprint).

How do you setup command mode? I tried binding to a light via Z2M, but this does not work with the H1, which is really disappointing. (And I wouldn’t bought so many if I new that earlier).

I got the same issue. There is unable to control the color temperature.
@36grad could you please take a look on this issue?
I’ve tested this blueprint on HA 2024.6.4 and 2024.4.4.
Thank you very much for a great blueprint.

I would love to be able to use the H1 rotary to control multiple entities with a different mix of entity type.
For example:

  • Single click selects a light entity and turning left or right decreases/increases the brightness.
  • Double click selects a media entity and turning left or right decreases/increases the volume.
  • Triple click selects a cover entity and turning left or right alows me to control the curtains or a screen.

This would be amazing in a home cinema setting!

I’d even settle for a situation where we can only select 2 entities and turning left/right controls the first entity and holding down while turning left/right controls a second entity.

It looks like @36grad isn’t actively maintaining this blueprint and unfortunately I don’t possess the skills to accomplish this, but would be great if someone could, so just putting this idea out here in hope someone picks it up and is able to expand on this blueprint.

It’s surprising btw how few H1 rotary blueprints there are as this is a great little device.
The only other ones out there are ZHA based but none allow you to control multiple entities from the same device.

By contrast, there is a blueprint for the IKEA Styrbar, a non-rotary controller, that does exactly that: pressing left or right on that controller allows you to select another device to control.