Just recevied a Magic Cube and really excited but…
Everything seems to be recognised properly
However doesn’t seem to read states properly
Have tried a new battery and reconnecting but no go., set Legacy to False (as I read somewhere)
Anyone? .
Just recevied a Magic Cube and really excited but…
Have tried a new battery and reconnecting but no go., set Legacy to False (as I read somewhere)
Anyone? .
I have one and I found a Blueprint that let me setup a Automation for the Cube… it Sends Events that are parsed by the blueprint / Automation … to recognize which side is up and which you came from etc…
the one I found was this…
others may have even better ones…
Are you using legacy mode?
@JWESTON2112 Legacy Mode True or False? I read somewhere to set to False.
Not sure… I am using ZHA and I do not see a setting for Legacy Mode… the cube does not really have any other button than the reset and I looked in the blueprint I have and didn’t see any question about Legacy Mode… so I am not really sure what you are referring to…
Well backed up my zigbee2mqtt config, removed zigbee2mqtt and loaded ZHA. Cube now works fine. I’m a newbie at all this so hopefully ZHA does what I need. Currently works with all the zigbee devices I have (cube, thermo, buttons) and the only other thing I think I need to integrate is some blind controllers so hopefully missing nothing going to ZHA.