Aqara MFKZQ01LM Smart Cube Returns Null (zigbee2mqtt)

I purchased a MFKZQ01LM Smart Cube to mess around with and I can’t seem to get it to send data for side actions, etc.

  1. I’ve removed the device a few times with the same results. The Battery will eventually return a value.

Since I didn’t see another mention of this on the forum or GitHub, I suspect I’m not doing something correctly.

As is typical for me, as soon as I posted I find this…

please tell me how to fix this what do I need to do! please explain mine says null too.

Read the link in the previous post. Those null fields are only populated for a split second. They go back to null immediately afterwards.

If you open the device page in HA, you’ll see those actions in the log section on the right of the page