Aqara motion sensor does not work all the time

Hi James,

“hint: add code fences to add formatting” Thanks i will do that next time!

I set the 1 minute to 3 minutes. My idea was that when a person is on the toilet he or she won’t really move around but he or she will move a little (breathing should be ennough i thought) and that way the triggers will keep on comming, settting the ‘turn on’ time to 1 minute on and on til some leaves the toilet. But we found out that it does not work that way in real live)

The whole day it worked fine but just now it happend again. My son opened the toiletdoor and the light did not turn on, i wil look into the history and i wil make a screenshot of it.
As you will see the sensor just does not detect anything, it even takes about a minute before the motion sensor detects my son in this area after i manually ran the code.

As you can read below i am working on this issue in another topic. My knowledge of coding and HA just is not good (yet:)).

It does not really trigger false, it won t trigger every time there is motion when someone opens the door and walks in.

If you want to, please take a look at the topic i made about it.
