Aqara Motion Sensor Hack for 5 sec

Same Problems here. A reset of the sensor, i pressed the sensor button for about 15 seconds, and the problem was gone.

Hmm, next day the problem was back…

Hi, does anyone have any details about how the hack worked on old sensors? Any pinouts, schematics, informations about circuit will be greatly appreciated.

I’m currently working around to bring this hack for newer sensor. I have some old and new sensors with production date of 01/2022. To my surprise when I swapped old sensor board to new mcu the behavior is still correct after 24h. I’ve also tested new sensor board with old mcu and after 24h the hack stopped working.

So I suppose there isn’t any software lock that keeps the new sensor for working with this hack. Something other must changed on sensor board, so this is why I’m searching for any details.

I think I saw it somewhere, but I can’t find it anymore, probably it was inside some youtube video…

Basically, it’s always making the sensor in reset mode, the same that happens when you press the physical button (that’s why it works for 24h).

I’ve no knowledge of circuits, but if you do, you might be able to see something about what the physical button is doing?

I would appreciate a lot if you find any solution as I have 3 of these just getting dust :frowning:

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I’ve tried today to somewhat reverse the circuit, but I’m just a beginner in electronics and don’t have a mircroscope, so it’s hard without proper tools.

I have also seen in some places explanation that this hack makes the button always pushed, but that can’t be the case, just because you can still reset and pair the sensor after the mod.

The hack connects something, I can’t find what, to the “positive” side of button, so probably it creates voltage at some place where normally should be ground…

I have a total of 5 sensors, but also 3 of them are the new version :confused:

I am a real newbee with HA but now i start to think i am really stupid. I have to edit a file to change the behavior of the motion sensor so i started to search which file i have to edit. I found i have to edit the ‘devices.yaml’.
Oke next question when the H… do i find this file.
I ended with installing file editor, studio code server and i even installed a Samba server to acces all the files of HA. BUT I STILL CAN T FIND THE DEVICES.YAML, WTF?

Is there anyone who can tell me what file and where i have to change/add the code into :slight_smile:


i’ve just mod the new motion sensor E1 (RTCGQ15LM)
btw, it is not work on it
it stick on 1 min detect
also, it cannot turn 5sec detect when i press the reset button

Hmm, i have a few xiaomi sensors applied with pencil hack, today updated my deconz addon to 6.18.0 , and now all 3 xiaomi sensors are in “motion detected state” ??

anyone else seeing this too ?

Thanks for the service-call solution.
Not the most elegant way, but it looks very promising/rocksolid.

Do you think there is a way to “hardcode” and change a value in the management-UI and without any other scripts?

Did you solve it?

A vote of thanks from me.

I wanted one of my Aqara RTCGQ11LM sensors to have quicker response and re-detection rate. I could already set to 60 secs but wanted less.

For me the pencil method was best, I can solder but don’t have a bit small enough for this job, besides it was easier after taking off the battery cover, to slide down the PIR cover, and use the pencil with the PCB in situ.

I then changed the occupancy_timeout to 5 secs in the Zigbee2MQTT setting, and confirmed working, I’d checked before the mod that it wasn’t working below 60 secs.

Is the procedure for the older sensors still as per this comment? or has there been further developments that perhaps mean we don’t have to reset the cluster?

Those running Z2M or ZHA, does the hack still work for newer iterations of the RTCGQ11LM? I bought a bunch in February of this year and using deCONZ, only 1 out of 4 is cooling down after 5 seconds after applying both hardware and software mods. Wondering if I migrate to Z2M or ZHA, will I see consistent results with the above model?

Hi, is your Aqara model a newer purchase or an older one?

Various purchased dates, latest ones March 23, though the date on the battery cover of all of them is 2016, the reported firmware seems to vary though. They are all Z2M and all the ones I’ve pencil modded cool down after 5 secs, checked each one before the mod was 60 secs.

Nothing else needed to be done, just the mod.

Thanks for the info. I may just push ahead with converting from deCONZ to Z2M to gain better results with 5 sec cooldown.

Doesn’t mather what you use, if you can’t hardware mod it, software will not work… If you use Deconz, after hardware mod (pencil or solder) you also need to tell Deconz to use this new value…

- service: deconz.configure
      entity: binary_sensor.office_motion_sensor_presence
      field: /config
        duration: 5

I did the hardware (pencil mod) and the service call but only worked for one out of the four I recently ordered.

This may help some people: I made an AppDaemon app to reset the sensor directly in ZHA. It’s called ResetZHASensor, you can find it here: GitHub - jaddel/ResetZHASensor: ResetZHASensor is an AppDaemon app for Home Assistant. It manages Aqara motion sensors in a Zigbee Home Automation (ZHA) setup, resetting sensor states directly in ZHA after a specified timeout to avoid 'ghost' motion events.

I have modded 2 RTCGQ11LM sensors, made the deconz configuration setting for 30 secs. It gets the movement, after 30 secs it clears off, but do not get any new movement triggers for an additional 30 seconds. So, whether you have the hardware mod or not, cooling time is always 60 seconds… Do you guys face this same problem?