Aqara Motion Sensor Hack for 5 sec

I does not connect at all.

I had those in ZHA, too.
I found out that it is not enough to change the state of the entity in HA.
Instead I had to change the state of the ZHA device itself via a ZHA service call!
After that, all ghost switching were gone…
btw. I changed the timeout to 4 seconds, so that a motion detection after exactly 5 seconds is not missed (had that sometimes before…).

You could use the automatisation above:

alias: Aqara motion sensor - reset ZHA cluster
description: ''
  - entity_id: binary_sensor.lumi_lumi_sensor_motion_aq2_ias_zone
    platform: state
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.lumi_lumi_sensor_motion_aq2_ias_zone
    state: 'on'
  - service: zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute
      ieee: '00:15:8d:00:xxxxxxxx'  # your Aqara IEEE
      endpoint_id: 1
      cluster_id: 1280
      cluster_type: in
      attribute: 2
      value: 0
mode: single

or a short appdaemon app:


  module: aqara
  class: Aqara
  timeout: 4
    - binary_sensor.motion_eg_flur_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.motion_eg_flur_innen_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.motion_eg_kueche_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.motion_eg_wohnzimmer_esstisch_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.motion_eg_wohnzimmer_wohnsofa_2_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.motion_eg_wohnzimmer_wohnsofa_1_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.motion_eg_hauswirtschaftsraum_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.motion_eg_bad_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.motion_eg_treppenhaus_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.motion_og_flur_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.motion_og_bad_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.motion_og_k_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.motion_og_l_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.motion_og_n_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.motion_og_schlafzimmer_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.motion_og_abstellraum_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:05:49:bb:0b #binary_sensor.motion_eg_flur_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:05:d0:07:96 #binary_sensor.motion_eg_flur_innen_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:05:d0:07:97 #binary_sensor.motion_eg_kueche_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:05:cf:4c:e3 #binary_sensor.motion_eg_wohnzimmer_esstisch_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:05:6a:7d:85 #binary_sensor.motion_eg_wohnzimmer_wohnsofa_2_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:06:41:1c:6e #binary_sensor.motion_eg_wohnzimmer_wohnsofa_1_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:05:cf:4d:2c #binary_sensor.motion_eg_hauswirtschaftsraum_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:05:49:bb:53 #binary_sensor.motion_eg_bad_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:05:bd:25:c6 #binary_sensor.motion_eg_treppenhaus_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:05:7f:8b:37 #binary_sensor.motion_og_flur_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:05:7f:8a:e6 #binary_sensor.motion_og_bad_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:05:4c:e0:07 #binary_sensor.motion_og_k_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:06:33:1c:8c #binary_sensor.motion_og_l_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:05:4c:c1:a6 #binary_sensor.motion_og_n_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:06:3d:dd:a3 #binary_sensor.motion_og_schlafzimmer_ias_zone
    - 00:15:8d:00:04:5e:bb:09 #binary_sensor.motion_og_abstellraum_ias_zone

import json
import time
import hassapi as hass

MODULE = 'aqara'
CLASS = 'Aqara'

CONF_TIMEOUT = 'timeout'
CONF_MOTION_SENSORS = 'motion_sensors'


class Aqara(hass.Hass):
  def initialize(self):
    """Initialize the Aqara app."""
    # define global variables
    global motion_sensors
    motion_sensors = self.args.get(CONF_MOTION_SENSORS, [])
    global timeout
    timeout = self.args.get(CONF_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
    global motion_ieees
    motion_ieees = self.args.get(CONF_MOTION_IEEES, [])

    # create listeners
    for entity in motion_sensors:
      self.log("Aqara: Listen to entity: %s with timeout: %s", entity, timeout, level="INFO")
      self.listen_state(self.motion_sensor_state_off, entity, new = "on", duration = timeout)

  def motion_sensor_state_off(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
    """Set motion sensor state to off"""
    current_ieee = motion_ieees[motion_sensors.index(entity)]

    # reset motion status in ZHA
    self.log("Aqara: reset motion status of entity % s in ZHA, ieee: %s", entity, current_ieee, level="INFO")
    self.call_service("zha/set_zigbee_cluster_attribute", ieee = current_ieee, endpoint_id = 1, cluster_id = 1280, cluster_type = "in", attribute = 2, value = 0)

btw.: If somebody knows how to query the IEEE of an entity_ID in appdaemon or how to construct the args much nicer (device_ID and IEEE not separated), feel free to contribute :slight_smile:



I am using ZHA with a Sonoff Zigbee bridge and hardware hacked Aqara motion sensor. After seeing a few examples of automations to reset and the need for delay, I thought why not just add the delay directly to the reset automation. I am not sure what other implications there may be but this method is working flawlessly so far and without the AppDaemon motion sensor app.

  alias: State Reset
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.master_bath_motion_zone
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.master_bath_motion_zone
    state: 'on'
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 15
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute
      ieee: 00:15:8d.......
      endpoint_id: 1
      cluster_id: 1280
      cluster_type: in
      attribute: 2
      value: 0
  mode: single

Did you ever figure this out?

Hi @cpd5899,

Unfortunately no, I tried to rewire to the back micro controller. It flashes in the beginning 3 times. But after do nothing. the button doesnt work or at least give no response.

I did more testing with the reset automation and found that I can get the motion to reset and re-trigger after the specified delay without the need for the hardware hack.

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Can someone explain/show how to do it with a pencil? I don’t have any soldering equipment

Literally just draw a pencil line between the two points on the PCB. It works best with a softish pencil, but I used an HB pencil and just overdrew the line a couple of times to deposit enough graphite.

I have 2 aqara motion sensors. One of them resets at 5 seconds without any hardware modification, the other does not (I’ve set deconz.configure duration 5 for both). Weird

Are you sure it actually resets? From what I know, setting the deCONZ duration will make it send a “no motion detected” event after that many seconds regardless of whether the sensor is ready or not. So does the sensor trigger again after 5 seconds?

It does trigger again. I ended up setting a 15 sec delay in node-red, cause it was triggering too often.
The other one resets in HA, but does not trigger.
I checked and they both have the same firmware version, so I don’t know what’s the difference. Maybe one was from a test batch or something

Update: the second one works now on 5 seconds too, without me doing any hardware mod. I’ve just been tinkering with them in HA / deconz, pressed the side button once, I have no idea what changed.

  - service: deconz.configure
      entity: binary_sensor.office_motion_sensor_presence
      field: /config
        duration: 5
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For german spreaking - or at least understanding - people, I created a video about this topic (ZHA with hardware hack) on youtube. Enjoy:

Für deutsch sprechende bzw. lesende Leute habe ich zu dem Thema ZHA und Aqara Motion Sensor Hack ein Video erstellt:


so all of your sensors now work without the hardware hack? only with your automation?

Thats correct. No hardware hack, just the ‘reset’ automation. I was surprised as you are :slight_smile:

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But from what I see in your automation you reset the sensor state after 15 seconds: why?

15 seconds are much longer than the 5-seconds reset interval with the hardware hack: could it work also if you set the delay to 5 seconds in the automation? and without ghost re-activations?

So just add this to the config file? And change the entity field to the name of the motion sensor?

just tried a modded motion sensor with ZHA after using it succesfully with deconz. Used the ‘zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute’ reset automation but after a reset of status the sensor doesnt recognize motion after status is clear. It has the wait for 60 seconds after a retrigger can happen.
In deconz ig worked fine but with ZHA it looks like the motion sensor isn’t even modded.
I can put the sensor in test mode by push the button a single time. Then the sensor works for an hour like it should. But after an hour the sensor has the 60 sec retrigger wait. Very annoying as it works with deconz but not with zha

UPDATE: after trying an other aqara motion sensor it worked.
also checked the mod from the sensor that didn’t work and the electric paint didn’t make a good connection anymore so did the modification again.

UPDATE: Still works on ZHA with the service: zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute
no more ghosting.