Aqara Opple 6 Button Remote 3 bands (WXCJKG13LM) via Zigbee2MQTT [Z2M] (Remake)

There are some automation blueprints for this remote, but they all have some minor errors and are not updated. So I got the best of all together, tweaked and modified. Credits in the Description.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Hosted on Github:


Iā€™ve updated the blueprint to work with experimental Z2M events available on the dev branch and planned for Z2M 2.0.
Events have to be turned on in Z2M first to appear.


Thanks for this! I have to remake my switches after the update to Z2M 2.0 and move away from the old ā€œactionā€ use. However when I try to use your blueprint, it just says:

Anything I need to do to allow the blueprint to see the Opple switches?

This ā€˜Home Assistant experimental event entitiesā€™ option is turned off by default, you need it on for events to be available:

Thanks @dawidxen , then I get the events I need! Worked :slight_smile:
Question 2 - is there a good way to set up the ā€œhold to dimā€ on lights? Iā€™ve tried several setups, but I canā€™t get the brightness increase to repeat while the button is heldā€¦ Have you done this?

Glad it worked.

Havenā€™t tried anything like hold to dim. What comes to mind is trying to utilize something like that:

Not sure if itā€™ll stop automatically when button is released, I dont have a way to test it out at the moment.
If it doesnā€™t then thereā€™s a release event that could break the loop.

You might also want to add a delay after brightness increase so it doesnt happen too fast.

It might be relavent but I canā€™t get any actions to trigger on ā€œheldā€ items - actions work fine for single, double, tripple & release but not held.

Wonder if you are seeing the same that itā€™s not actually hitting that step?