Aqara Pet Feeder C1 ZNCWWSQ01LM

Hey there!

Does anyone have experience integrating the new Aqara Smart Pet Feeder C1 (ZNCWWSQ01LM) into Home Assistant via Zigbee2MQTT or ZHA instead of using an Aqara hub? I have added it through zigbee2mqtt and see the following auto-discovered clusters.

The AqaraOpple cluster frequently auto-reports. Manual feeding triggers variations of the following:
cluster ‘aqaraOpple’ and type ‘attributeReport’ and data ‘{“65521”:{“data”:[0,5,248,13,104,0,85,2,0,3],“type”:“Buffer”}}’

Does anyone have any experience with this device? If not, does anyone know if a similar Opple device can be used as a starting point to build a converter?

Ultimately, I just want to trigger a feed from Home Assistant and be alerted when a programmed feed has taken place. If I can get the status of the feeding tray or whatever else the Opple cluster reports, it’s a bonus.


do you have this device and alexa as well as alexa media player intergration?

create scene in aqara app to execute 1 feeding and sync to alexa via voice assistants in aqara app
create a routine in alexa and call it a name (in my case feed the cat) and excute this scene.

then in home assistant goto settings devices and services, helpers, and create a toggle helper and call it what you want (in my case I called it cat feed) take note of the entity id (for me it was input_boolean.cat_feed) why here you can also create a counter helper (i called mine pet feeder) and note the id again, mine was (counter.pet_feeder) this will count the number of feeds.

Then go to automations and create a new one, go into the 3 dots and edit in yaml

alias: alexa feed the cat (your choice here)
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - input_boolean.cat_feed (put your id for your toggle helper)
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - service: media_player.play_media
      media_content_id: feed the cat (your routine name)
      media_content_type: routine
        - media_player.echo_1 (your echo device to send command to, anyone of them will do)
  - service: counter.increment
    data: {}
      entity_id: counter.pet_feeder (put your counter id here)
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 30
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: input_boolean.turn_off
    data: {}
      entity_id: input_boolean.cat_feed (pur your toggle here to turn it back off auto).
mode: single

if you want to create a automation to reset the counter you can (this will reset the counter every day so you know how many times it has put food out in a day

alias: alexa reset cat feeder counter (your confiured name) 
description: ""
  - platform: time
    at: "23:59:59"
condition: []
  - service: counter.reset
    data: {}
      entity_id: counter.pet_feeder (your configered counter from earlier)
mode: single

result icon like this than can exucte a feed on button push with counter of how many times fed and can also be used in other automations to let home assistant automate the feeds.


Hello everyone,

I previously had the Smart-Pet-Feeder-C1 successfully paired with Home Assistant using Zigbee2MQTT, and it worked perfectly.

Recently, I upgraded my setup from a Raspberry Pi to a new computer, performed a clean installation of Home Assistant and Zigbee2MQTT, and re-paired all my Zigbee devices except for the Smart-Pet-Feeder-C1.

Here’s what I’ve tried so far:

  1. I set Permit join all in Zigbee2MQTT.

  2. I pressed the right button on the feeder to initiate pairing and waited for the blue LED to start blinking. It blinks for a short time and then stops.

  3. After the blinking stops, the device does not appear in the Zigbee2MQTT device list.

I double-checked the device compatibility, and it is listed as supported: Smart Pet Feeder C1 - Zigbee2MQTT

Does anyone have any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?

Thank you in advance for your help!