Does anyone have experience integrating the new Aqara Smart Pet Feeder C1 (ZNCWWSQ01LM) into Home Assistant via Zigbee2MQTT or ZHA instead of using an Aqara hub? I have added it through zigbee2mqtt and see the following auto-discovered clusters.
The AqaraOpple cluster frequently auto-reports. Manual feeding triggers variations of the following:
cluster ‘aqaraOpple’ and type ‘attributeReport’ and data ‘{“65521”:{“data”:[0,5,248,13,104,0,85,2,0,3],“type”:“Buffer”}}’
Does anyone have any experience with this device? If not, does anyone know if a similar Opple device can be used as a starting point to build a converter?
Ultimately, I just want to trigger a feed from Home Assistant and be alerted when a programmed feed has taken place. If I can get the status of the feeding tray or whatever else the Opple cluster reports, it’s a bonus.
do you have this device and alexa as well as alexa media player intergration?
create scene in aqara app to execute 1 feeding and sync to alexa via voice assistants in aqara app
create a routine in alexa and call it a name (in my case feed the cat) and excute this scene.
then in home assistant goto settings devices and services, helpers, and create a toggle helper and call it what you want (in my case I called it cat feed) take note of the entity id (for me it was input_boolean.cat_feed) why here you can also create a counter helper (i called mine pet feeder) and note the id again, mine was (counter.pet_feeder) this will count the number of feeds.
Then go to automations and create a new one, go into the 3 dots and edit in yaml
alias: alexa feed the cat (your choice here)
description: ""
- platform: state
- input_boolean.cat_feed (put your id for your toggle helper)
to: "on"
condition: []
- service: media_player.play_media
media_content_id: feed the cat (your routine name)
media_content_type: routine
- media_player.echo_1 (your echo device to send command to, anyone of them will do)
- service: counter.increment
data: {}
entity_id: counter.pet_feeder (put your counter id here)
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 30
milliseconds: 0
- service: input_boolean.turn_off
data: {}
entity_id: input_boolean.cat_feed (pur your toggle here to turn it back off auto).
mode: single
if you want to create a automation to reset the counter you can (this will reset the counter every day so you know how many times it has put food out in a day
result icon like this than can exucte a feed on button push with counter of how many times fed and can also be used in other automations to let home assistant automate the feeds.
I previously had the Smart-Pet-Feeder-C1 successfully paired with Home Assistant using Zigbee2MQTT, and it worked perfectly.
Recently, I upgraded my setup from a Raspberry Pi to a new computer, performed a clean installation of Home Assistant and Zigbee2MQTT, and re-paired all my Zigbee devices except for the Smart-Pet-Feeder-C1.
Here’s what I’ve tried so far:
I set Permit join all in Zigbee2MQTT.
I pressed the right button on the feeder to initiate pairing and waited for the blue LED to start blinking. It blinks for a short time and then stops.