Aqara Plug (SP-EUC01/lumi.plug.maeu01) Toggles without reason

I started my migration from ZHA to Zigbee2MQTT and found there is an OTA update for my Aqara plugs (now the build date is 12-06-2021). After that update, whenever I press my Sonoff SNZB-01 button, the plug toggles its state which is really undesired. This happens
It happens only when the button is connected to that plug (routed via it). Repairing the button using another router helps for a moment but as the network reconfigures itself, the buttons are again routed via the plug.
Is there a way to disable the plug as a router (probably not as I understand it’s firmware stuff), or is it possible to revert to an older firmware somehow?

Have you found any solution? I’ve run into the same issue. Any switch that is routed via the Xiaomi plug toggles it. Makes it unusable.

FYI, Xiaomi Aqara Plug (SP-EUC01/lumi.plug.maeu01) Toggles without reason · Issue #13903 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · GitHub is the GitHub issue for this.

Another update – just downgrading the plug works: Xiaomi Aqara Plug (SP-EUC01/lumi.plug.maeu01) Toggles without reason · Issue #13903 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · GitHub

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