Aqara Pressure reports wrong value

Heya! I’ve succesfully setup the aqara Temperature/Pressure/Humidity sensor up through Zigbee.

And it works fine, up until it hits 1000hPa:

It then goes down to 10, which to me looks like a bug somewhere? Or do I have to configure it somewhere?

This is what it says on the device:

Quirk: zhaquirks.xiaomi.aqara.sensor_ht_agl02.LumiSensorHtAgl02
lumi.sensor_ht.agl02 by LUMI

Thanks for any pointers!

I see the same problem.
Only pressure is wrong.
Temp and hum are reporting correctly.

Same here. Pressure ist correct most of the time, but than sometimes too low. It seems like the effective value is divided by 100…

If pressure is 936hPa, then sometime 9hPa is reported…