Aqara smart plug power loss behavior

I have an Aqara smart plug connected via ZHA. If it loses power, it defaults to the off state when power is restored. There is not an option to change this in ZHA.

I found this option under the cluster settings of the device, which seems like it would control the power loss behavior. However, I can’t seem to change it. I’m not sure if I need the manufacturer code override. Anyone have any ideas?

did you resolve this?

I’ve got a lumi.plug and trying the same - the setting isn’t written without an override or the xiaomi 4447 override

Hi, were you ever able to change the default power state for your Aqara smart plug?

no. I ended up writing an automation -

alias: force master bedroom lumiplug on
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - switch.lumi_lumi_plug_switch
    from: unavailable
condition: []
  - metadata: {}
    data: {}
      device_id: c10009b4f3cb4f2b8042c2ac2fe74f7c
    action: switch.turn_on
mode: single