Is there anyone using this plug in HA?
As per Smart plug - Smart outlet & socket - Works with Alexa | Aqara it looks like it should report KWh but I am only seeing these sensors…
Is there anyone using this plug in HA?
As per Smart plug - Smart outlet & socket - Works with Alexa | Aqara it looks like it should report KWh but I am only seeing these sensors…
Are you using ZHA? If yes it is currently normal as ZHA does not support multiple sensors per zigbee cluster (from what I’ve understood)
Yes, I am using ZHA. Time to change I guess. Thanks.
I’ve removed ZHA and setup Zigbee2MQTT, re-paired my 18 devices, reconfigured Lovelace device names, automations/node-red, etc., etc… The ZNCZ12LM is reporting/working properly in Z2M except for voltage…
Should be there:
What do you have in Z2M?
It’s there but it’s reporting null
I just bought it from Amazon…I can initiate a return/exchange.
The most important for me was energy/consumption.
Did you figure out a solution to this?
I think this sensor may have been removed with the newer versions of the plug. I have the US version as well but see this Socket ZNCZ02LM is not sending voltage · Issue #4092 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · GitHub.
No I did not. I returned the plug and went with an Aeotec ZWA023 Z-Wave switch…