Aqara smoke detector linkage alarm plus optional actions

This is a fork of @ciB blueprint for the Aqara Smoke detectors with the following updates:

  • Changed device selector to model: (JY-GZ-01AQ) in order to find the smoke detectors
  • Added the ability to select optional actions to be executed when smoke is detected (i.e. turning on the lights) and also when the alarm is muted

Aqara smoke detecotrs have the “ability” to alarm each other once one has detected fire.
Since this linkage as achieved through the aqara hub, Home Assistant now has to take care of that job.

  • Created for zigbee2mqtt
  • Linkage_alarm needs to be enabled/set to true for each device
  • Needs each device (smoke detector) to be assigned to a room in order to be correctly notified which device was triggered in which room
  • Select the smoke detectors you want to link
  • Also mutes all the smoke detectors when one is muted

Since I had only limited possibilities to test this thoroughly, feedback is gladly appreciated.


Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.


Hello, i have 2 Aqara smoke detectors so i tried this blueprint like this, not sure if the setting is ok

here is the link to one detector in Z2M

but if i activate one manually or via the alarm button in Z2M, nothing happens on the other.

Hi, am about to use this blueprint instead of the original myself. In the description of the original blueprint, it is mentioned that you cannot test this without the smoke detector actually detecting smoke. This seems to be due to the detector itself or rather the blueprint and how it is triggered.
I guess it is necessary to change the blueprint to be able to implement test possibility.
Since I also want the option to cover wrong detection by one detector I will probably work on this blueprint to implement a delay of x seconds before all other detectors are triggered. Than I also will see if it is possible to implement testing.

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i have read somewhere that these Sonoff valves works only full open or full close, and not by steps, my Netatmo valves work step by step, but do you know if this Sonoff works also by steps ?

any progress on the implementation of the testing and delay function? I would be grateful for this feature. Thanks a lot in advance.


Thanks for the blueprint looks great but:

When triggering the alarm manualy (set smoke to ON in one of the smoke detectors) all seems to work until you press the mute action in the notification, this doesn’t seem to trigger in the automation.

edit: mute itself seems to trigger but not the actions that are set.

FYI, I had to remove the model number from the selector to get any devices to show up:

          - manufacturer: Aqara
            model: Smart smoke detector
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Strange, having the same problem but i cant select the smoke detector, even after removing the model number…

Me, too. Did you find a fix?


I started to look into the blueprint and found some parts I did not like. Hence, I am reworking the whole blueprint. It will take some time but I will release my work when I am done.

I could make it work editing the /root/config/blueprints/automation/vansummeren\aqara-smoke-detectors-beta.yaml directly and reloading automations in the UI.

      name: Smoke detectors
      description: The smoke detectors you want to link.
          model: 'Smart smoke detector'
          multiple: true

I made a light show in the saloon when the alarm is triggered :rofl:


I’ve adjusted this blueprint. Now I would like to insert a mute of all smoke detectors when I click on the more deactivated alarm message. How can I install this?

alias: Feueralarm
description: ""
  path: vansummeren/aqara-smoke-detectors-beta.yaml
      - 05e7b8fffcdf84366902df11a0c38a
      - c19a7054b2d6af8403bdeabc8ea22a
      - 169eada9c12b76df4401b46587a43c
      - 1f7aaf059d755d1eb5a302d739fedd
      - 3a9d567464b3f307986d72cd82ba
      - 34d501b6f0ff92a98d5998e75ba97f
      - 6d496288a6f0dd17f81254d3e91fb
    notify_device: []
    message_title: Feueralarm
    message_button: Stop Alarm
      - action: cover.open_cover
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: cover.alle_rollos
      - action: notify.mobile_app_iphone
        metadata: {}
          message: Feueralarm
          title: Feueralarm !!!!!!!!!
                name: default
                critical: 1
                volume: 1
              - action: ALARM_DEAKTIVIEREN
                title: Deaktivieren
    message_string: Feueralarm

Thank you for your work.

I wanted to have Self-Test ability and tried to add this to your blueprint. This lead to a completly new blueprint.

Have a look here in the forum or head over directly to my github account.

Feature excerpt:

:white_check_mark: Notification driven self-tests of all detectors by one “click”
:white_check_mark: Real-Fire-Alarm test (uses the same path as on smoke detections)
:white_check_mark: First-Alarm notification to allow preventing false alarm propagation
:white_check_mark: Fire-Alarm propagation to all detectors
:white_check_mark: Persistant Fire-Alarm notification
:white_check_mark: Fire-Alarm Text-to-Speech (TTS) notification
:white_check_mark: Mute Alarm action on notification
:white_check_mark: Action on alarm
:white_check_mark: Wakeup detectors on tests and alarm