Aqara temp/humid sensor not reporting pressure?

Hey Everyone!

I’ve had some Aqara AS008 temperature/humidity sensors for a while and have connected them to Home Assistant via a Conbee II controller. However, since I have some sensors on opposite sides of my house, I’ve had some drop-out issues with the sensors.

To remedy this, I’ve purchased an Aqara E1 hub to help split the load and test out Aqara controllers. I’ve successfully connected the hub to HA and connected an AS0008 to it.

The problem is that I would get four reading values from the AS0008 when using the Conbee (battery, temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure), but the E1 only returns three values (battery, temperature, and humidity). The atmospheric pressure value does show up when I check the sensor using the Aqara app.

How do I get the atmospheric pressure value through the E1 hub to Home Assistant?

The hub is connected using the HomeKit integration; it could not connect through the “Xiaomi Gateway (Aqara)” integration.

Thanks for your help!!

I can’t answer you’re specific question, but rather than using multiple hubs, you’d be better off introducing some powered devices. This will create a mesh network that should improve reliability. For example an Ikea repeater placed between the Conbee and battery-powered sensor if you don’t want a zigbee light/switch. Multiple hubs will create their own independent zigbee networks.

I have two Aqara AS008 Temperature/Humidity sensors.

This is what I see when I connect to an Aqara AS008 Temperature/Humidity sensor through the Conbee II controller:


This is what I see when I connect to an Aqara AS008 Temperature/Humidity sensor through the Aqara E1 controller:


How do I get the top information to come through the bottom integration for the same type of sensor device?

The code for deCONZ (assuming that’s what you’re using with the Conbee) supports pressure, whereas the code for HomeKit does not appear to. Furthermore, the Homekit integration page does not mention support for any air pressure devices, so this might extend to pressure provided by temperature devices.

But the real killer is this from AliExpress (link):

If connected to Apple homekit, it does not support “atmospheric pressure detection” function

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Interesting. Does the Xiaomi integration pass along the air pressure? I tried that integration first but the setup was problematic for me. I might try again if its better.