Aqara Temp sensors failing to trigger


New to HA but loving it, wish I’d starting using years ago but then on the upside at least I’ve come to a more matured product!

Looking around posts nothing quite matches my issues so I thought I’d ask for help

HA Green (latest version) > Zigbee 3.0 Dongle Plus > Aqara sensors

HA Green > Aqara M2 > Home Kit > Aqara sensors

As I’m clueless I didn’t realise at first I didn’t need the M2 hub but once the penny dropped I removed it from the equation along with Home Kit and went the straight to sensor route from the Zigbee stick.

The whole reason for HA is to use it to be able to get around Aqara’s limited notification abilities, I need a team to see the notifications not just me using the Aqara app. So far I have set up notifications to use a GMAIL account with limited success.

Motion detection works and sends a notification but temp changes and lumens changes do not


alias: Test 6 HA - Numeric state
description: Testing
  - platform: numeric_state
      - sensor.lumi_lumi_weather_1_temperature
      hours: 0
      minutes: 1
      seconds: 0
    above: 23
    attribute: null
condition: []
  - service: notify.[REMOVED FOR SECURITY]
    metadata: {}
      title: Above 23C Temp alert test
      target: [REMOVED FOR SECURITY]
      message: Above 23C Temp alert test
mode: single

My key concern is the lack of temperature notifications, they are reporting fine on the dashboard but notifications just aren’t being sent

If this is a known issue with Aqara sensors are there better ones that work with Zigbee that update more frequently? (Word of mouth is worth its weight in gold and all)

Remove the attribute from your trigger.
And you will only receive a notification when the temperature rises from below 23 to above 23. If the temp is already above 23, you will not get a notification.

Thank you Francis

The thing I struggle with in HA is temp trigger points seem to only be active when transitional/on the move where as I’ve been use to Tapo/Aqara sensors just stating if above x then do y. In HA it’s a below and above value.

It seems backwards that if I set a rule below the current temp (which was 24.9) in order to get it to test fire but it won’t trigger because it didn’t cross the threshold at that exact moment.

Oh well the joy of learning.


Thank you. This worked by setting the above value to 26.5C and the below value to 400.

Finally what is good practice for multiple email addresses, the tutorial I watched showed a space between email addresses but that didn’t seem to work but I figured “;” would and did?