Aqara temperature sensor disconnects

I took 3 Aqara temperature sensors and they keep disconnecting me like 1 time a day, I have to enter on zha delete them and re-add them. What could be the problem? the signal of all 3 is between 90 and 100. In the same rooms I also have 3 aqara motion sensors and I’ve never had a problem with them. Ideas?

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What do the logs say? Is a Battery Level involved? Do they need the cloud (Internet traffic/site issues? Does it need more boosters (powered) to relay to hub.

Log: Attribute Updated event was fired
the battery level changes every time i plug it in but its always above 80%
they are local but I use an automation that serves to align the offset of the Tado thermostatic valves (they are in the cloud)

Did you get any where with this? I bought 4 recently and two wouldn’t connect… then when they finally did they disconnect and stay disconnected after a few hours. Now a third is dropping out too!

I contacted Aqara and they said that they’re not compatible with the SkyConnect dongle which seems ridiculous since they’re Zigbee devices.

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Did you manage to fix the problem?

Hi all.

I do have the same problem. 3 Aqara weather sensors and 1 Aqara magnet sensor disconnect randomly once per day.
It got annoying as hell. So I am actively posting and looking for a solution now.

I have a temporary workaround to bringing the devices back online without having to disconnect them and then bring them back into pairing mode.

I installed ZHA Toolkit in HACS, then I use this:
(Used in Developer Tools → Actions)

service: zha_toolkit.execute
  # Address of the device that joined
  ieee: 00:12:4b:00:22:08:ed:1a
  command: handle_join
  # NWK address of device that joined (must be exact)
  command_data: 0x604e

This command refreshes or wakes up the devices immediately.
They stay online for multiple hours afterwards.

I am also no expert in this and struggling to find a solution. It looks to me that the devices simply go to sleep and never wake up.
In the ZHA network topology they also do not get attached (no lines) to any other routers or to my coordinator. I tried attaching the devices to some Ikea smart plugs in their vicinity. I have also upgraded my SONOF ZBDongle-E coordinator to the latest firmware v7.4.4 → with no success.

I am hopeful that I will learn using the ZHA Toolkit and that will offer me a solution.
