Aqara Temperature Sensor sending wrong data


I have 2 Aqara Temperature/Humidity/hpa Sensors running, and for some reason the Sensors always send the same “wrong” data…

zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-2-1 16:59:49 MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9065d’, payload ‘{“temperature”:20.04,“linkquality”:173,“humidity”:41.58,“pressure”:981,“battery”:55,“voltage”:2995}’

zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-2-1 16:59:49 MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c7d754’, payload ‘{“temperature”:19.29,“linkquality”:31,“humidity”:40.43,“pressure”:981}’

I have a thermostate next to one of the sensors and it shows 13°C whereas according to the log of zigbee2mqtt, the sensor transmitts 20,04°C

Is there something in a config I am missing? it is the same data as 24h ago (even so HA says last updated 3mins ago)

So you’re seeing different readings from your temperature sensors?

Are you sure the thermostat that shows 13 C isn’t way off?

There’s some options in zigbee2mqtt you can play with

Not too sure what they do, but you could try and play around with them.

Hi, thanks for your reply.

I did figure it out in the meantime. It seems that my zigbee2mqtt did really get an update from the seonsr, but used the values from the state.json file (which had the last transmitted values).

I did switch off my raspberry in the evening when going to bed and when I turend it on the next day, I would get the symptom I described in my first post.

I had to push the small button on the bottom once and from that point forward the communication worked again. So I assume upon shutting down my raspberry and switching it on again, the sensor did not communicate with zigbee2mqtt…

What I also noticed, that 1 Sensor did not send any data anymore (showed last update 8h ago + linkquality: 0)

After the push of the button it immediately worked again:

zigbee2mqtt:debug 2019-2-3 10:11:45 Received zigbee message of type ‘attReport’ with data ‘{“cid”:“msTemperatureMeasurement”,“data”:{“measuredValue”:1601}}’ of device ‘’ (0x00158d0002c9065d)
zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-2-3 10:11:45 MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9065d’, payload ‘{“temperature”:16.01,“linkquality”:34,“humidity”:42.63,“pressure”:993,“battery”:100,“voltage”:3015}’
zigbee2mqtt:debug 2019-2-3 10:11:45 Received zigbee message of type ‘devChange’ with data ‘{“cid”:“msTemperatureMeasurement”,“data”:{“measuredValue”:1601}}’ of device ‘’ (0x00158d0002c9065d)
zigbee2mqtt:debug 2019-2-3 10:11:45 Received zigbee message of type ‘attReport’ with data ‘{“cid”:“msRelativeHumidity”,“data”:{“measuredValue”:5180}}’ of device ‘’ (0x00158d0002c9065d)
zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-2-3 10:11:45 MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9065d’, payload ‘{“temperature”:16.01,“linkquality”:34,“humidity”:51.8,“pressure”:993,“battery”:100,“voltage”:3015}’
zigbee2mqtt:debug 2019-2-3 10:11:45 Received zigbee message of type ‘devChange’ with data ‘{“cid”:“msRelativeHumidity”,“data”:{“measuredValue”:5180}}’ of device ‘’ (0x00158d0002c9065d)
zigbee2mqtt:debug 2019-2-3 10:11:45 Received zigbee message of type ‘attReport’ with data ‘{“cid”:“msPressureMeasurement”,“data”:{“16”:10024,“20”:-1,“measuredValue”:1002}}’ of device ‘’ (0x00158d0002c9065d)
zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-2-3 10:11:45 MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9065d’, payload ‘{“temperature”:16.01,“linkquality”:34,“humidity”:51.8,“pressure”:1002,“battery”:100,“voltage”:3015}’
zigbee2mqtt:debug 2019-2-3 10:11:45 Received zigbee message of type ‘devChange’ with data ‘{“cid”:“msPressureMeasurement”,“data”:{“16”:10024,“measuredValue”:1002}}’ of device ‘’ (0x00158d0002c9065d)

Does this happen regularly that you have to manually do stuff so the sensor works again?