Aqara Vibration Sensor: Questions about Vibration and Angles


I’m new to HA but I already appreciate all the work done with this software.

I would like to create a scenario like this:

  • If a door vibrates (attempted entry), turn on some lights.
  • If the door is opened, let me know

I thought that the Aqara vibration sensors could help me with that. I paired the sensor to HA with a Conbee and Zigbee2MQTT. This reports to me the action (vibration, tilt), and some angles. but I’m having two issues:

  • They barely react to vibrations. By that I mean that if I tap on the sensor, it doesn’t report any vibration. I need to really tap on it to get an actual vibration report. Which means that it won’t be very sensitive (compared to, for instance, the vibration sensors associated to my Somfy alarm). I switched the sensitivity to “high” but it doesn’t change much. Do any of you know of a good, sensitive vibration sensor? Ideally a sensor that would report just acceleration values would be enough.
  • I thought I could also also use the sensor to check if a door was opened or closed by reading the accelerometer angles. But I’m not sure I understand properly the angles reported there.

For instance: when the sensor is flat:

  • angle_x 1
  • angle_y 1
  • angle_z 88

When I put the sensor with the button up:

  • angle_x 0
  • angle_y 82
  • angle_z 8

Then if I keep the button up and rotate it (along the vertical axis), nothing changes:

  • angle_x 0
  • angle_y 82
  • angle_z 8

This is what prevents me from reading a vertical angle.

I don’t understand why the y and z axis moved at the same time? Also, it seems that their sum is 90 degrees. Isn’t that a bit strange ? Or I’m completely misunderstanding something?


I think I misunderstand how an accelerator works! It can only report angles compared to the location’s vertical, since it’s based on differences to the gravity.

That being said, if I had access to the underlying acceleration values, I could detect if the door is opening.