Aqara Video Doorbell G4 Announced with future Matter support

The camera must not be paired with anything over homekit. If you have paired it with HA you have to unpair it first. Then you can find it in go2rtc in homekit section. To add the doorbell back to HA you can create a new homekit feed and duplicate the original videofeed shown in my yaml:

    - homekit://...... (Homekit link taken from the "Add"-Tab under Home-Assistant)
    - ffmpeg:klingel#audio=opus


This new feed will be discovered in HA.

sorry, may i ask where is the “Add”-Tab under Home-Assistant?

i can find the Homekit link.

The add tab in go2r:

sorry,i am a noob.
1.i pair the G4 camera with homekit
2.i got the link in this form

3.i put following code in go2rtc config

    - homekit://192.168.x.x:x?device_id=x:xx:xxxx:44&feature=2&status=0
    - ffmpeg:klingel#audio=opus


4.what should i do in my HA dashboard to display the camera?

there is a warning “mse: streams: hap: can’t dial witout client_id or client_private, exec: exit status 1”

when i click the steam link in go2rtc

you only pair with homekit?did you pair with aqara app?

If you paired it with your iPhone before, you have to delete it from the home app. You can still use the Aqara app.

Once the doorbell isn’t paired to anything via Homekit, you can pair it with HA as a Homekit Device. For me the doorbell was automatically discovered. When you’re running into problems I suggest to reset the doorbell to factory settings.

Now the doorbell streams to your HA. You can use the entinities but the video is quite laggy and you are not able to pair it to another device like your iPhone, since Homekit only allows one connection to one IP. Since go2rtc runs on the same IP as your HA-Server (mandatory) you can replicate the videostream via go2rtc.

When paired with HA, go to the go2rtc panel and in the “add/devices” tab you find the section “Home Assistant”. There you’ll find your with HA paired doorbell with the Homekit Link. Copy the link and add it to your config in go2rtc like my yaml shown above.

To duplicate the stream you use the second part of the yaml, telling go2rtc to use the same videofeed url and broadcast it as a new device. Your iPhone will think its a new device, so you can pair it and use it in your Homekit app.

I hope this helped. Let me know if that worked for you, since we have very various feedback here.

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o thankyou!

so i only need to pair G4 doorbell with HA as a Homekit Device,i dont need to go to the go2rtc panel and click the "pair " button under the “add/devices” tab?

Really?:joy: The event is way more reliable than the feed in my case. I actually find my set pretty satisfying, with working PiP to TV and all homekit functionality.
My doorbell’s on 6 triple-A batteries so sometimes the feed takes time to initialize.
One real problem is the feed being used (doorbell with red light on) for an extended period of time (the length also seems random) while the go2rtc says no device is streaming. It was mostly nothing except it drains battery fast.

My card:


PiP on android tv:
Nearly instant popup with 2-6s delay to initialize and load the video feed.

I don’t know if the versions vary much, mine is the CN mainland version with no SD card slot. But feel free to check out my set up.

  1. Pair doorbell with HA
  2. Open go2rtc and look for the doorbell under the home assistent section, copy that homekit-link
  3. Add that yaml to your go2rtc config:
    - homekit://...... (Homekit link taken from the "Add"-Tab under Home-Assistant)
    - ffmpeg:doorbell#audio=opus


(thats the minimum config, you can add custom pin and name shown in go2rtc documentation)
4. Add that new virtual device on your iPhones Home App

What is the consensus on the current reliability of the camera? Given new updates and stuff?
Is it safe enough to be used day to day (with two way audio!)

The feedback here differs. Some users are having no issues.

I gave up a few months ago, I had problems with the connection. But since this thread is getting more activity lately I’m willing to test it again. I had two or three updates since then, maybe it’s better now. But I’m still hoping for the matter update.

Beside from Home Assistent I’m pretty satisfied with the doorbell. Quick connection, good video quality, nothing to complain until now.

You can only integrate it via homekit, and I don’t think two-way audio on this source was ever supported by go2rt, maybe someday. That said, it doesn’t compromise the two-way audio on hk if you use transparent proxy.

No else found the issue of the device running out of streams? Maybe just me.

More generally (not HA-related), I found that when the device gets too hot, the periodic snapshot of the device fails. This shows as “No Response” on the thumbnail but when you clickthrough to the live stream the stream itself always works. Seems like a bug but maybe Aqara put it this way to reduce the load on the device when hot.

Hello AlexxIT! I’m having a similar problem… After some hours it stop to share the live on the dashboard. If i change the PIN (for example adding a number ) it start to work again for some hour… What could be the problem ?

Thank you.

Can you explain what you mean by transparent proxy? Thanks

Check it out in the go2rtc repo.

Just set it up, go2rtc connects directly to the camera via the HomeKit protocol, and exposes the stream to HomeKit (transparent proxy) and to frigate. It works perfectly! haven’t yet added it to home assistant but I wouldn’t see why it wouldn’t work!

but if you pair the camera to go2rtc and not to HA you are missing functions. E.g. trigger the doorbell