I’m new to this and I’ve been doing a lot of research over the past few weeks on this but haven’t been able to find anything. I got the aqara wall switch double rocker with neutral wire, the one that has the switch on the top and bottom instead of side by side (WS-USC04). I want to use it in decoupled mode and used the button to run actions in HA. I was successful in putting in in decoupled mode thru z2m but I can’t seem to be able to trigger any actions with the buttons. In the automation page, button presses are not an option and they don’t even show up in the z2m logs. How can I get the button actions to show up in HA?
Did you ever fixed this problem? I am going crazy with the Aqara switches with neutral, no reflecting the status in home assistant when physically triggering the switch (turning on or off). I am using Home Assistant Core 2024.3.0 and Zigbee2MQTT 1.36.0.
Check the firmware version on your coordinator. I remember I had to upgrade mine before I could see the switches’ status in HA