I can use the service to turn them on or off and toggle them.
If I look into the documentation I should be also able to receive a click event for each button
and it should be also possible to get an event when both are clicked together.
But I never get a click event, not for the single click and also not when both are clicked.
Do I have to configure something special to enable this feature ?
Thanks a lot for your help. The states are working already fine for me.
But i would like to use events like the click event , to implement behaviors for long click or a double click for example.
It would be also great to get a event if both where pressed at the same time. From the documentation this should be also possible, but i cant get it working.
It can’t work. I checked the Xiaomi protocol specification, the switches don’t support the double click. Also the HA code doesn’t support jts, it’s an error in the documentation.
You can implement a ‘counter’ in appdaemon (and I assume node-red, but only ever tried it in appdaemon) to fake any number of clicks with a definable timeout between them. The only issue you’ll have is that you might struggle to get really quick double clicks working.