Aqara Zigbee Door/Windows and Motion Sensors showing wrong Temperature

Was delighted to see the Aqara sensors have a temperature but then very disapointed to see the tempriture was showing way to hot. Ime just showing them in a Entity Card

type: entities
  - entity: sensor.frontdoor_motion_sensor_temperature
  - entity: sensor.kitchin_sensor_lfreezer_tempriture
  - entity: sensor.backdoor_sensor_temperature

Its currently around 24 centegrade acording to my Govee Temperature/Humidity sensor and 20 outside acording to the MetOffice in the UK. My Aqara sensors are showing 29 for the outside motion sensor and and 23 and 28 for my door sensors (whitch are on ther inside of my front and back door).

Are these sensors really this useless or am I missing something?

The temp exposed in the RTCGQ11LM/MCCGQ11LM sensors is the CPU/Device temp, not the ambient temp. It’s not completely useless, but was not really intended to be used by Aqara. I don’t think it is exposed in the Aqara’s own app, IIRC.

The newer door sensors don’t expose a temp at all. I don’t know the about the newer motion sensors.