Aqara zigbee2mqtt configuration

I am a novice at this and I am trying to configure an aqara h1 light switch into home assistant. the software is all in containers using portainer and the h1 switch is setup and working in the zigbee frontend.

when i paste this template in to the home assistant configuration yaml, I get and error device not found.

any help would be most appreciated.

home assistant version is 2024.9.3

# First device
friendly_name: ‘light_sw_bedroom_1’
retain: true
disabled: false
qos: 1
debounce: 0.5
- action
- brightness
# Set homeassistant: null to skip discovery for this device
# Applied to all discovered entities.
expire_after: 30
# Only applied to discovered temperature sensor.
icon: mdi:oil-temperature
# Omit values by setting them to null, e.g. don’t send device_class
device_class: null
# Device type specific examples
occupancy_timeout: 120
no_occupancy_since: [10, 600]

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You should be able to customize the devices through the Z2M frontend. Zigbee2MQTT devices are located in Zigbee2MQTTs files (configration.yaml, devices.yaml) not in the Home Assistant configuration.yaml.

Where did you get that yaml from (where/what is the source of it)?
it doesn’t make any sense to me.

The device is an aqara h1 light switch and the yaml was from the zigbee2mqtt website.

Aqara WS-EUK02 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT.

formatting checks out ok in the yaml file (has different indentations to what is shown above).

it is all sorted now, i was missing this line for the zigbee2mqtt yaml. # Optional: Home Assistant integration (MQTT discovery) (default: false)
homeassistant: true

once that was in all the switches were discovered.


That’s why you were asked to format your code correctly :slight_smile: